Development of Descriptive Text Module Based on Contextual For Students Class X of State Senior High School Gunung Meriah Aceh Singkil (Published)
This study aims to know the module process developed for descriptive text class X of State Senior High School 1 Gunung Meriah Aceh Singkil, to find out the results of writing the descriptive text, and to find out the effectiveness of the descriptive text module. This study used Research and Development (R & D) method. This research method refers to Borg & Gall model with a slight adjustment according to the research context. The type of data used was quantitative description. The results of the study showed that: (1) the first stage module development process was to analyze problems and needs, plan teaching materials, validate modules to material experts and design experts. The results of the validation of the material experts showed that the feasibility of the content with an average of 95.44% in the criteria of very good, the feasibility of the presentation with an average of 93.74% in very good criteria, language feasibility with an average of 93.33% in very good criteria and book feasibility with an average of 99.80% in very good criteria. The validation results from the design experts on the feasibility of the design showed that the module size had an average percentage of 95.83% in very good criteria, the module cover design with an average of 87.95% in very good criteria, and the design of module contents with an average of 89.70% on the criteria of very good. The average percentage results from the overall design assessment sub-component was 90.27% with the criteria of “very good”. The average percentage of individual trials was 90.27%, small group trials was 84.43%, and the limited field group test was 84.43% with the criteria “very good”; (2) Learning outcomes of students in the pretest stage obtained learning outcomes of students class X amounting to 30 people with the total 1991 with an average of 66.36% while in the posttest stage obtained learning outcomes with a total value of 2289 with an average of 76.3%; (3) the average value of students who used contextual based modules was higher with an average of 76.3 %% compared to the average value of students before using teaching materials in the form of modules with an average of 66.36%.
Keywords: Contextual Based, Descriptive Text, Module
The Development of Local Wisdom of Labuhanbatu Based on Teaching Material of Descriptive Text For 7th Grade Student at Smp Negeri 1 Bilah Barat, Indonesia (Published)
This research aims to know the development result of local wisdom of Labuhanbatu based teching material of descriptive text for 7th grade students of State Junior High School 1 Bilah Barat. Teaching Material is in form of module. Used research method is research and development (R & D) referred on Borg & Gall proposed by Sugiyono. The tria subject consist of 3 students with individual trial, 9 students with small group trial, and 32 students with limited field trial. Technique of collecting data uses observation, interview, questionnaire and writing descriptive text test. The research result indicates that: (1) validation of material expert includes content expediency with average 87.18% on very good criterion, presenting expediency gets the average 85.19% on very good criterion, and language assessment gains 87.93% on very good criterion, (2) validation of design expert gets 91.58% on very good criterion, (3) teacher’s response is on the average 88.33% on very good criterion, (4) individual tria gets the average 74.61% on very good criterion, (5) small group trial gets 83.22% on very good criterion and (6) limited field trial is on average 90.18%. The gained result of effectivity of using local wisdom of Labuhanbatu based module of descriptive text material is 75.37 and the effectivity of textbook is 69.85. The different is 11.72 of using textbook and using module.
Keywords: Descriptive Text, Development, Local Wisdom, Teaching Material