Perceived Benefits of TVET by Youth-Trainees in Selected Veta Institutions in Arusha Region, Tanzania (Published)
This study investigated the youth trainees’ perceived benefits of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in VETA institutions in Arusha City, Tanzania. The study was guided by three research questions: 1) What are the benefits of TVET to trainees? 2) What are the challenges facing TVET in the studied institutions? and 3) What should be the remedies? The study employed a cross-sectional survey research design. The sample had 130 trainees, 15 trainers, and three programme coordinators, making 148 total participants. Data collection integrated questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis guides. The researcher analysed the data statistically and thematically. Results also show that the youth-trainees perceive the TVET courses were very beneficial to them, especially through the acquisition of employability skills. However, TVET is facing challenges such as inadequate training facilities and materials, inadequate trainers, and insufficient infrastructure. The study concludes that the TVET opportunity was well received by the trainees, because it is beneficial to them. This study recommends four ways of addressing the challenges facing TVET in the studied institutions.
Keywords: Arusha, Benefits, Challenges, TVET, Tanzania, VETA, youth-trainees
The Challenges of Internet Usage for Academic Activities Among Students of Delta State University, Abraka (Published)
This study examined the challenges of Internet usage for academic activities among Delta State University, Abraka students. Despite the numerous benefits students derived from internet usage, they are still faced with challenges which stakeholders need to address for an effective educational system. Three research questions were raised to achieve the objectives of the study. The study adopted a descriptive research design with a sample size of 120 students randomly selected from 100 to 400 levels. The data collected from respondents through structured questionnaire were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study revealed that the effect of Internet access affordability on academic activities among students of Delta State University Abraka included the cost of accessing the internet, high cost of internet devices and services, lack of access points and devices with limited capacity; lack of personal internet device and reliance on friends and families for internet access. It was also established that most of the students lack internet browsing skills and required skills to use digital devices and language barriers. The study concludes that the effects of safety and privacy concerns on students’ academic activities derived from fear of scams, stealing passwords, fake news and information, fraudster and distraction. It was therefore recommended among others that internet service providers should endeavour to eliminate or reduce internet challenges such as network problems and connection breaks.
Keywords: Challenges, Internet, Student, academic activities, usage
Challenges Preventing Science Teachers from Performing Natural Science Practical Works in Selected Primary Schools in the Oshana Region, Namibia (Published)
Despite the importance of practical work, there are several factors preventing science teachers, especially at primary schools from including practical work in their teaching routine. The main objective of this study was to investigate the challenges preventing science teachers from carrying out Natural Science practical works in selected primary schools in the Oshana Region. A qualitative research approach employing interview schedules and observation as the research instruments was used to collect data on the challenges faced by the science teachers. A sample of 4 Natural Science teachers (2 teaching grade 6 and 2 teaching grade 7) was chosen using the purposive sampling method to participate in the study. The study found that the major factors preventing the teachers from carrying out practical works in the selected primary schools include lack of well equipped functional laboratories, no provision for practical work on the teaching time table, teachers’ lack of experiences in preparing experiments and handling of some equipment, and the lack of laboratory assistance. However, as part of measures to encourage the use of practical works in teaching primary school Natural Science in the study area, the participants indicated that relevant materials and equipment should be made available at the beginning of every academic year. It was also indicated that regular capacity building workshops should be held to train the teachers on conducting experiments and handling equipment. Thus, it was recommended that the school management should devise means of addressing the identified challenges in order to enable the teachers include practical work in the teaching of Natural Science.
Keywords: Apparatus, Challenges, Laboratories, Natural Science, Practical work
The Challenges Faced by Science Teachers in Activating School Laboratories (Published)
The study aimed to identify the most common challenges faced by science teachers in activating the school laboratories. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher followed the analytical descriptive method in terms of applying the study tool and data collection and analysis. The study population consisted of all the teachers of science and educational supervisors in Jerash Education Directorate. There were 15 teachers and five educational supervisors. The study found that there are a number of challenges facing the science teachers in activating the school labs, the most important of which is the low number of classes devoted to teaching science, the researcher recommended the need to work to restructure the distribution of classes of science and increase the time allocated for practical activity.
Keywords: Challenges, Laboratory, Science
Implementation of ICT in Kenya Primary Schools in the Light of Free Laptops at Primary One, Challenges and Possibilities (A Case Study of Teachers in Nandi County Kenya Implementing ICT into their Teaching Practice (Published)
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have been touted as being potentially powerful tools that can be used to facilitate the implied educational change and reform. Implementation of ICT in primary school learning environments is a complex task for both Teachers and learners, but also management and administration. To facilitate the change processes better the first step is to actually understand what problems and challenges realization of ICT leads to and how it affects practice. Although classical instructional methods will continue to be used in the teaching-learning process, it is also true that Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be harnessed to become powerful pedagogical tools. Proceeding from the premise that there are many ways to use new technologies for teaching and learning, the paper presents literature on the possibilities and challenges of integrating ICT into teaching-learning, the rationale for adopting and using ICTs for learning-teaching, as well as the key factors that influence the adoption and use of ICTs in teaching and learning both from a general perspective and in a technical education context. The paper then outlines and discusses findings of a study designed to investigate the possibilities and challenges of using Information Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching-learning procedures in primary school institutions in Kenya using data obtained from a Tinderet District school in the Rift valley region of Kenya. It examines views in pertinent literature as well as teachers’ perceptions of the benefits of integrating ICT into teaching-learning, the success factors and obstacles encountered in their endeavours to do this. Conclusions are drawn and suggestions made to address the challenges and improve on the use of ICT for teaching-learning in teaching institutions.
Keywords: Challenges, ICTs, Implementation, Possibilities, Teaching-Learning
Issues and Challenges Confronting Married Women in Tertiary Institutions (Published)
The aim of this study was to identify the domestic and academic challenges that confront married women in tertiary institutions. A qualitative approach was adopted for this study. The purposive sampling technique was used to select 30 respondents from a group of married women in the University. It was observed that difficulty in caring for their family members at home due to school activities was their major domestic challenge and loaded academic work that had to be accomplished within a short time frame was their major academic challenge. The causes of these challenges were identified as financial constraints and the performance of their marital responsibilities at home as married women. The respondents expressed that these challenges led to low concentration during lectures and low academic performance. They suggested that minimizing the pressure from their households and reducing the number of programs that had to be covered at the University can help them cope with the situation.
Keywords: Challenges, Marriage, Tertiary Institution, Women
Challenges Encountered By Students with Visual Impairments and Teachers In An Integrated School Environment: A Case Of Integrated Secondary Schools In Kericho District, Ainamoi Division, Kenya (Published)
The government’s effort in dealing with access and equity in the provision of education and training to children with special needs has encountered numerous challenges some of which include; lack of clear guidelines on the policy implementation of integrated education, inadequate tools and skills in identification and assessment and lack of data of children with special needs among others. This paper sought to establish the challenges encountered by students and teachers in the integrated education program for students with visual impairments. The study was carried out in Kericho District adopting a case study design. Data collection was done by use of questionnaires, focus group discussion and document analysis. A total of 200 respondents participated in the study and data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study cited a number of challenges that are experienced by the visually impaired students such as; the administration view them as a burden to school and many times they do not meet their needs like providing the necessary learning materials even though they pay fees and academic performance significantly indicated the nature of evaluation among the students in these secondary schools was clear that they are conscious about the needs of others. The government, through the Ministry of Education should provide teaching / learning resources for the visually impaired and blind students. Training for all teachers on special education should be performed. Informative campaigns at the community level with emphasis on the fact that disability is not inability are also advocated for.
Keywords: Challenges, Integrated school environment., Students with visual Impairments., Teachers
In many countries especially in Europe, a new demand has emerged in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that they should provide empirical evidence regarding the professional relevance of their study programs. Africa is following suit. The experiences and knowledge gained in Graduate Tracer Studies (GTS) including Methodology, Interpretation of Findings and Dissemination, Lessons Learnt and Challenges should be shared and utilized for quality assurance not only in Moi University but also in East Africa Universities and elsewhere. This paper highlights the experiences with graduate tracer studies at Moi University including the methodology adopted, results obtained from graduates, opportunities, lessons learnt and challenges. The methodology of the study includes survey preparation and field phase, data analysis, interpretation of findings and dissemination. Moi University Tracer Studies (MUTRACE) experiences presented a lot of opportunities and challenges which are discussed in this paper. If the findings of Graduate tracer study are adapted, they can immensely help to improve the quality of education and services in HEIs. They can also be of value at informing policy and guidelines for HEIs, CUE in Kenya and IUCEA. In conclusion, GTS culture should be embraced in all HEIs in East Africa and the findings of graduate tracer studies used for Quality Assurance purposes among other objectives.
Keywords: Challenges, Graduate tracer studies, MUTRACE Experiences, lessons learnt, opportunities, results