A Study of Achievement and Intelligence Level of Students in Secondary Education in Nepal With Regard to Education Stream (Published)
The purpose of this study was to compare the academic achievement and intelligence level of Secondary School students of science, management, and education streams to identify the enrollment trend of students in teacher education in Nepal. Mean score of grade point averages and intelligence test of science stream students was greater than management stream students and average scores of management stream students were greater than education stream students. F-test revealed that there was significant difference among the mean scores of science, management, and education stream students at significance level α = .01.Results show that the students with higher academic achievement and intelligence level are enrolling in science stream, average are in management stream and with low academic achievement and intelligence are in education stream, i.e., teacher education. Review of previous studies and reports revealed that intelligent person are not attracting towards teaching profession and the condition is same till now.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Educational Stream, F-test, Intelligence, Teacher Education
Learning Environment as Correlate of Students’Academic Achievement in Junior Secondary School Integrated Science (Published)
Environment plays an important role in the learning of integrated science. Environment means all the classroom conditions that facilitate teaching student’s perception in their classroom and their academic achievement in integrated science. Both human and material resources as well as interaction and attitudinal behaviors in the classroom setting make up the classroom learning environment. In order to carry out this study, two research questions were posed and a null hypothesis was formulated. The design of the study is a correlation survey. The population comprised the entire JS2 integrated science students from five secondary schools drawn randomly from the entire schools in Ogba-Egbema Ndoni Local Government Area of Rivers State. Mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation and t-test statistical techniques were used in analyzing the data. The result revealed that there is low mean perception of students of integrated science on their classroom environment. There is also positive significant relationship between their mean perception and their academic achievement. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made which include that integrated science teachers should be made to be aware of the influence of their environment on the achievement of students through seminars and workshops.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Correlate of Students’, Integrated Science, Learning Environment, junior secondary school
Influence of Problem-Based Learning in Chemistry on Academic Achievement of High School Students in Osun State, Nigeria (Published)
The aim of this study was to investigate the Influence of Problem-Based learning in Chemistry education on academic achievement of school students. To achieve this purpose, three research questions were generated. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 300 senior secondary two (S.S.2) science students and data was collected by administering a questionnaire on the influence of problem-based learning in Chemistry education on academic achievement of school students. Data generated was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings of this study revealed various activities engaged in by students during PBL lessons. Based on the findings, a number of recommendations were made.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Higher-order thinking, Pedagogical Approach., Problem-Based Learning
Teacher Demographic Variables and Students’s Academic Achievement in Secondary Schools Home Economics in Calabar Educational Zone of Cross River State (Published)
This study investigated the influence of teacher demographic variables on secondary School students’ academic achievement in Home Economics in Calabar educational zone of Cross River State. Hypotheses were postulated to guide the study. Some relevant literatures were reviewed based on the two variables of the study. The study adopted a survey design. Simple random sampling technique was utilized to draw four hundred and twenty (420) respondents comprising of twenty (20) Home Economics teachers and four hundred (400) JSS III Students from the population. Two sets of instruments were used to elicit information from the sample. These instruments include: “Teacher demographic variables questionnaire” (T.D.V.Q) and “Home Economics Achievement Test” (HEAT). Kuder Richardson formular – 21 was used to establish the reliability coefficient of HEAT with an estimate of 0.77. T-Test was used in the data analysis. The results of data analysis showed that the two hypotheses were significant at 0.05 probability level. This means that educational qualifications and experience of the teacher influence significantly the students’ academic achievement in Home Economics in the study area. Based on these findings some recommendations were made.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Calabar Educational Zone, Cross River State, Home Economics, Secondary Schools, Students, Teacher Demographic Variables