International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)
Vol 6, Issue 3, March 2018
Assessing the Assessors from the Student Angle: Implication for Quality Assurance in Public Secondary Schools in Lagos Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State, NigeriaAuthors: Aladenusi Oluwakemi Keywords: Job Effectiveness, Principals’ Leadership Role, Quality Assurance, School climate, Secondary Schools, Teachers Article Pages: 1-10 |
Bringing the Background to the Foreground: How Does Emotional Competence Look Like Vis-A-Vis Classroom Management ProcessAuthors: Avelina M. Aquino Keywords: Emotional Competence, classroom management Article Pages: 11-23 |
English Only Classroom in EFL Context: A Necessity or a BurdenAuthors: Arjumand Ara and Sadia Afrin Shorna Keywords: Classroom, EFL Context, English-Only, Practical Constraints, Principled Usage of l1 Article Pages: 24-29 |
Attitudes of Secondary School Students in Saudi Arabia towards ScienceAuthors: Abdulaziz Aboud Mohamed Asiri Keywords: Attitudes towards Science, secondary school students Article Pages: 30-36 |
The Effect of Reciprocal Teaching and Group Investigation toward Students’ Critical Thinking SkillAuthors: Yuniyarti Ahiri, Tjutju Yuniarsih and Rasto Keywords: Group Investigation, Reciprocal Teaching, and Critical Thinking Skills Article Pages: 37-46 |
Job Satisfaction to Enhance a Commitment of Employees’ Organization at Dream Tour and Travel CompanyAuthors: Idris HMNoor, Sidik Laskar, Fitrah Imanuddin Keywords: Commitment, Company Successful, Company., Employees, Job Satisfaction, Organization, Psychology Article Pages: 47-59 |
The Design of Socialization Material Based on Permendiknas No 17, 2010 for Early Prevention on the Thesis Plagiators of Students in Umsu (Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra), IndonesiaAuthors: Alesyanti and Ramlan Keywords: Plagiarism; Socialization; Academic Ethics Article Pages: 60-70 |
Project-Based Learning: Implementation & ChallengesAuthors: Shaban Aldabbus Keywords: Pre-Service Teachers, Project-Based Learning, Teaching Practice 4. Article Pages: 71-79 |
Use of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analysis for Bias Analysis in Test ConstructionAuthors: Iweka Fidelis Keywords: Classical Test Theory, Differential Item Functioning, Item Characteristic Curves, Item Response Theory Article Pages: 80-91 |
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Impact Factor: 7.96
Print ISSN: 2054-6297
Online ISSN: 2054-6300
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