Nigeria Archives - International Journal of Energy and Environmental Research (IJEER)

International Journal of Energy and Environmental Research (IJEER)

EA Journals


Impact of Oil Exports on Carbon Dioxide Emission in Nigeria (Published)

The study empirically investigated the impact of oil exportation on carbon dioxide emission in Nigeria covering the period 1980 to 2020.The study employed preliminary test of Augmented Dickey Fuller and Dickey-Fuller GLS unit root testing procedure while the main estimation technique is the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). Data for the study is sourced from the World Bank’s development indicators and Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin for various years. The dependent variable is carbon dioxide emission (CO2) while explanatory variables includes, oil export (X), gross domestic product (Y) for economic growth, total factor productivity (TFP) for technological progress and innovation, oil price (OP) and nominal exchange rate (EXR). Findings in the study show that the coefficient of oil export exhibit positive effect on carbon dioxide emission but only significant in the short run at 10percent level. The study concludes that the positive value of oil export poses serious environmental threat given the rise in carbon dioxide emission. The study therefore, recommends amongst others that the policymakers particularly the Nigerian government need to diversify the economy from oil-based to non-oil based, which will go a long way in reducing environmental challenge emanating from crude oil production for export. The government should also use the proceeds from oil export to put in place necessary infrastructural facilities that can facilitates production process for both government and private sector activities.

Citation: Adeyemo O.O. and Asuru C. (2023)   Impact of Oil Exports On Carbon Dioxide Emission in Nigeria, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Research, Vol.11, No.1, pp.33-45

Keywords: ARDL, Carbon Dioxide Emission, Nigeria, oil exports

Towards The Elimination of Residential Building Structural Failures Through International Best Implementation Practices in Nigeria (Published)

Structural failures and the total collapse of mid-rise residential buildings are common phenomena in Nigeria. The rate at which buildings collapse in Nigeria, the frequency of this occurrence, and the magnitude of the losses which are recorded in terms of lives and properties, are becoming alarming. Such incidents are reaching an unprecedented level and have become a major source of concern, not only to the government at all levels but to all stakeholders involved. This paper identifies and examines structural building regulatory implementation and enforcement practices, focusing on stakeholders’ perceptions of building regulatory enforcement and compliance in Nigeria. Quantitative data were captured via a structured questionnaire survey of architects, builders, and engineers, with valid responses received from 378 (63%), and semi-structured face-to-face interviews with industry professionals from different disciplines, such as structural engineers, heads of building departments, site managers, architects, quantity surveyors, builders and project site supervisors, enabled stakeholders’  perceptions of building regulatory enforcement and compliance to be obtained. Using the software SPSS for descriptive and inferential statistical analysis and Nvivo 10 for the qualitative analysis, the quantitative findings revealed that stakeholders’ perceptions of building regulatory enforcement and compliance are that these are very low and unsatisfactory.  The qualitative findings yielded a large amount of multiple-interlocking reasons for the lack of compliance, which were anchored in inadequate project supervision, poverty levels, inadequate regulatory awareness, and inadequate professional experience. The findings emphasise the need for the Nigerian house-building sector to adopt international best regulatory implementation practices in order to eliminate mid-rise residential building structural failures through short-term and long-term initiative measures. The sector should focus on systemic and attitudinal change, implementation through capacity building and team work, double-loop feedback learning, and a continual evaluation of the implementation process with a view towards improving residential building construction regulatory practices in Nigeria.

Keywords: Improvement, Nigeria, Residential Building, best practice implementation, structural collapse

Assessment of the Effects of Plants on Market Environments in Garki of Abuja as an Avenue to Improve Architectural Practices in Nigeria (Published)

The quality of architectural practices in Nigeria with regards to the use of plants for landscape in market buildings is not satisfactory when it is compared with international standards and this is a problem. To reduce this problem, a market in Garki in Abuja was studied with the aim of assessing the effects of plants in its environs, in order to generate guidelines from the research feedbacks to improve architectural practices with regards to the use of plants in the design of Nigerian markets. There are seven regional built-up markets under the control of Federal Capital Territory Markets Management Committee. Out of these markets, a market in Garki was studied via purposive sampling method. The instruments used for the collection of the primary data are questionnaires, focus group discussion and observation schedule. The secondary data were obtained from the review of relevant literature. Among the research findings are: most of the market buildings have no plants for landscape architecture; the use of personal electric power generators for artificial cooling and ventilation due to inadequate circulation of fresh air from plants in and around the market buildings causes fire outbreaks in the market. Among the generated guidelines are: it must be ensured by the Architects that all the market buildings should have plants for landscape architecture at the design stage; however, markets must have general electricity generator houses to minimise the use of personal electric power generators, in order to stop fire outbreaks as a result of their uses for artificial cooling and ventilation.


Keywords: Nigeria, Plants, architectural practices, environs, markets

Energy Efficient Housing as a Mitigating Option for Climate Change in Nigeria (Published)

This paper discusses the capacity of energy efficiency in housing to serve as a panacea to climate change. Drawing from secondary sources, the study revealed that energy is required in houses for optimum performance. However, in Nigeria, the energy required is mostly generated from fossil fuel which emits greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gasses result in the depletion of ozone layer which causes global warming and by extension, climate change. It recommends among other things, proper landscaping, north and south orientation of houses, natural vegetation, natural lighting, the use of energy efficient electrical and mechanical appliances and the use of green power. The paper concluded that energy efficient housing environment that employs these parameters will experience reduced global warming and climate change associated challenges.

Keywords: Climate Change, Energy, Energy Efficiency, Housing, Mitigating Option, Nigeria