International Journal of Energy and Environmental Research (IJEER)

EA Journals


Comparative Study on Biogas Production Between Certain Fecal Materials from Farm Animals (Published)

The use of faecal materials from selected farm animals for the production of biogas was investigated. The considered farm animals were chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus), cattle (Bos taurus) and goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) hence, fresh poultry droppings (PD), cow dung (CD) and goat droppings (GD) were mixed in different PD:CD:GD ratios as 1:0:0, 1:1:1 and 0:1:0 and stored in an anaerobic digester for a retention period of 40days under mesophilic condition.  The ratios were denoted as A, B and C, representing mono-digestion of poultry droppings, co-digestion of poultry droppings, cow dung with goat droppings, and mono-digestion of cow dung respectively.  Results revealed that the daily biogas yield for samples A, B and C were 0.081, 0.0904 and 0.079mL per gram of feedstock respectively. Hence it was concluded that poultry droppings have higher biogas potential or yield than cow dung when digested individually while the co-digestion of all materials produce higher biogas yield than either of them. Necessary recommendation drawn from the research as well as those for further related studies were made.

Keywords: Alkalinity and pH., Biogas, Biomass, Bos Taurus, Capra aegagrus hircus), Hydrolysis, Optimal pH range, farm animals (Gallus gallus domesticus

Biodiesel Synthesis from the Waste Biomass (Published)

In this work, physicochemical properties of the waste used oil (WUO) were carried out for its aptness for biodiesel production. Burnt Animal Bone was used as a precursor for the biodiesel production. The produced biodiesel was characterized and the optimum biodiesel produced was determined via statistical analysis. This was with a view to add value to WUO and finding environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuel. WUO was obtained from eatery in Yenegoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. The foreign materials and dirt in the oil was removed by filtration after preheating.  The physiochemical and other parameters (cetane number, API, aniline point among others) properties of WUO were determined using standard methods. The BAB was burnt to ash in a furnace, sieved into fine powder, and then characterized using FTIR, SEM, XRF, BET adsorption, and qualitative analysis. Biodiesel production was done via base catalyst transesterification while statistical analysis was done using Microsoft Excel 8.0.  In order to ascertain the quality of the biodiesel, the physicochemical properties were determined.  Results showed that the refined WUO properties were in line with oil property requirement for biodiesel production. The physicochemical characteristics of the WUO showed physical state of the oil to be liquid/dark brownish at 28 oC, viscosity 6.58 cP at 28 oC, acid value, 0.96 (mg KOH/g oil), FFA (% oleic acid), 0.48, iodine value, 152.00 (g I2/100g oil), peroxide value, 5.1 milli-equivalent of peroxide/kg of oil among others. The derived catalyst showed high basic strength with Calcium oxide (87.63 wt. %) as the dominant element in the catalyst. Optimum biodiesel yield was obtained at run 5 with 98.52 (%wt. /wt.) at reaction time of 30 min, catalyst amount of 2.0 (%wt.), reaction temperature of 100 oC, and ethanol-oil molar ratio of 4:1.  The produced biodiesel properties conformed to the recommended standard ASTM D6751 and EN 14214. The study concluded that WUO could serve as feedstock for biodiesel production that is environmentally friendly and the derived catalyst could be used as a bio-base in Industries.


Keywords: Biodiesel, Biomass, burnt animal bone, characterization of biodiesel, palm kernel oil, transesterification, vegetable oil and animal fats., waste used oil

Production of Biofuel by Catalytic and Non-Catalyst Pyrolysis of Plantain Stalk (Published)

The depletion of global fossil fuel reserves and environmental concerns associated with its production are driving the shift towards biomass as a renewable energy source, which can be converted into biofuels and biogas for diverse energy applications. Hence, we conducted pyrolysis experiments on plantain stalk samples to examine the impact of pyrolysis temperature and heating rate on product yields and their chemical compositions. Optimal conditions for maximum bio-oil yield (22%) were identified at a torrefaction pre-treatment temperature of 300℃. The highest biochar yield (16.88%) was achieved at 300℃, while the highest biogas yield (61.85%) was observed at 150℃. Detailed elemental, proximate, and ultimate analyses of the bio-oil were performed, and its chemical composition was analyzed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The chromatographic and spectroscopic studies confirmed that bio-oil derived from plantain stalk is a promising renewable fuel and chemical feedstock, indicating its potential in sustainable energy applications.


Keywords: Biomass, Renewable Energy, bio-oil, bio-oil characterization, feedstock, plantain stalk, pyrolysis

Performance Analysis of Bio-Energy Based Power Generation System in Nigeria Using Rice Husk Feedstock (Published)

Bio-energy which is the energy resources derived from organic matter has contributed significantly to primary energy supply in most developed countries of the world. The extensive use of biomass for electricity generation started recently as a more efficient option of providing energy. To encourage investment in this area, detail analysis on the prospect of Biomass energy generation system in Nigeria context need to be carried out. In line with this, this study assesses the viability of setting up a Biomass Energy Plant in Nigeria using rice husk. It determine the availability of rice husk for the project and identify the economic advantage of using rice husk as a feedstock in generating electricity while evaluating the energy conversion technology adopted with consideration on its environmental impact. The proposed plant location is Abakiliki Rice Mill complex and Gasification technology was adopted for the bio conversion process. Data on the feedstock availability was collected by direct measurement of the resources at the various mill dump site in the Rice Mill Complex and analyzed using Python analytical and visualization tools (Numpy and Seaborn). The primary source of data for the analysis is data gotten from the field and Nigeria Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) while the secondary source of data is data from related work over the internet. The outcome of the study showed that the Rice Complex have the capacity to produce the quantity of rice husk required to generate 499,320KWh of electricity per year using Bio-Energy plant. Also, the mass of rice husk produced is significantly higher in the month of October, November and December due to the weather condition (dry season) and the high demand of rice as the result of the festivity (Christmas celebration). When the performance of the existing system and the proposed Bio-Energy plant was compared in terms of per Kilowatt cost of energy generation, it was observed that the new system outperformed the existing one. This is traceable to the good caloric value of rice husk and its availability in very large quantity at no cost. To determine the system’s sustainability, the financial feasibility of operating a Biomass plant in Nigeria was also carried out; levelised cost, simple payback period and return on investment (ROI) as important financial metrics were calculated using real data.

Citation: Ogungbenro, Oluwaseyi Akinyele; Okoro, Israel Chidi;  Ohuabunwa, Augustine Ebere; Okwuelu , Nnaemeka; Tagbo, Peter (2022) Performance Analysis of Bio-Energy Based Power Generation System in Nigeria Using Rice Husk Feedstock, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Research, Vol.10, No.2, pp.,40-56

Keywords: Biomass, Rice Husk, bio-energy plant, energy generation, feedstock availability

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