International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Studies (IJEATS)

EA Journals


A survey on E-education of Information and Communication Technology (Published)

Education is the phenomenon and process of life time learning and teaching and training methods which cannot be bounded into colleges, schools and universities. In this phenomenon ICT has played a great and vital contributory role and which create smooth and flexible educational and training and teaching environment. ICT has played revolutionary role in the collecting and sharing knowledge and information to the students and teachers through   WWW (World Wide Web). An even villager also gets updated in their knowledge by collecting reference books course materials, educational tutorials through www. ICT has opened the door of various courses and training planes of Open universities, Distance educational Institutes to the households and professionals, even by accessing these courses and training sessions while seating in their homes and offices easily smoothly. Educational training session can be conducted as well as accessed without any geographical bindings with less spawn of time anywhere else. Now a day’s television and internet is also a great source of propagating the knowledge and information through ICT, where the formers and agriculturists can be learn new methodologies and the concepts which can be benefited to their agriculture field. Now a day’s most of the educational institutes also conducting online exams and tests through which human mistakes can be avoid In this paper we take a review and survey of Information and communication technology in educational fields and how it brought a Digital educational revolution in the form of e-education.


Keywords: E-education, E-leaning, ICT, Internet

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