Risk Analysis Archives - International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability (IJDES)

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability (IJDES)

EA Journals

Risk Analysis

Analysis of Risk and Risk Management Strategies: The Case of Vegetable Producer Farmers in North Eastern Ethiopia (Published)

In Ethiopia, smallholders’ farmers and agricultural cooperatives produce vegetable crops in various agro-ecological zones across the country through the commercial initiative. Vegetable productions take place in a highly biophysical and economic environment, which poses various types of risks. As follows, this study identifies measures and analyses the key sources of risks in vegetable production, based on vegetable farmers’ perceptions. A simple random sampling technique was used in the selection of 394 smallholder vegetable farmers in North Eastern Ethiopia. Primary data collected through structured questionnaires and secondary data were preferentially used. Data collected were analysed using frequency distribution, arithmetic mean, and likert scales. This study recommends the training for vegetable farmers on risk management mechanisms, price supports mechanisms, providing the required infrastructure and the use of vegetable varieties that tolerates for natural disasters and pests/disease resistance.

Keywords: Risk, Risk Analysis, Risk Management, Vegetable production