Effect of Economic Empowerment on Youth Restiveness in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria (Published)
The study examined the economic empowerment and youth restiveness in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study are to determine the effect of employment, education, recreation and social orientation on youth restiveness in Aba. The study adopted descriptive survey design. This study was conducted in Aba, Abia State Nigeria. The metro population of Aba is put at 1,230,407, according to Google (2024). However, following Ekwueme (2014), the population of the youth in Aba is about sixty (60%) percent of the entire population. Hence, 60% of 1,230,407 (Aba population) is 738,244.2. On the strength of this, the population of the study, which makes up the youths is 738,244. With a known population, the sample size of 400 was determined using Taro Yamane statistical formula. We adopted simple random sampling techniques. Structured questionnaire was the major instrument for data collection. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics such as mean, simple percentage and frequency, and the result shows that all the economic empowerment variables have positive effect on youth restiveness. The four stated hypotheses were tested with multiple linear regression model and the result revealed that, there is significant effect of employment, education and recreation on youth restiveness in Aba, Abia State. However, there is no significant effect of social orientation on youth restiveness in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria. In conclusion, economic empowerment significantly affects youth restiveness in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria. We, therefore, recommended that the government should create jobs to give employment to job seekers as a way of keeping them busy and out of idleness, because an idle brain they say, is the devil’s workshop. Also, entrepreneurship skills acquisition training that produces skilled manpower, innovative and self-reliant citizens should be part of youth trainings than resorting to the palliative and unsustainable approach to attacking hunger, among others.
Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Education, Employment, and social orientation., recreational activities, youth restiveness
Manufacturing Exports and Employment Nexus in Nigeria (Published)
Nigeria has lower manufacturing employment than other industries for several reasons, including it share to Gross domestic product. Nigeria’s manufacturing sector contributes less than 10 percent of the nation’s GDP. This suggests that the sector’s overall economic production is weak, which may restrict its ability to provide job opportunities to the teeming populace. This study investigates the impact of manufacturing output on employment in Nigeria. The Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) estimation technique was used to establish the long run relationship among the variables. It was revealed that long run relationship exists among the variables in the estimated model. The results of the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) within the framework of the ARDL shows that the development of the manufacturing sector is one of the key strategies for the creation of employment opportunities in Nigeria. The study recommends; the development and diversification of the manufacturing sector as one of its top long-term policy strategies for the creation of employment for Nigerians. It also suggests that policies aimed at attracting foreign investment in this sector could positively impact on employment generation. This can be accomplished by providing incentives to the operators of the manufacturing sector, such as import waivers on essential imported inputs, providing and guaranteeing large commercial trading businesses to enter the manufacturing of their products through licensing, facilitating and acting as surety in franchise agreements with foreign manufacturers, and any other incentive to help lower the manufacturing sector’s cost of production. Hence, the government must prioritize the development of the manufacturing sector by providing necessary support and incentives to attract more investors and increase local production, which will lead to job creation and economic growth for Nigerians.
Keywords: ARDL, Employment, Nigeria, manufacturing exports
Social Welfare Analysis of Gender Inequality in Education and Employment in Urban and Rural Nigeria (Published)
This study analyzes the social welfare effect of gender inequality in human capital development (education and employment) across rural and urban Nigeria. Using Nigeria most recent data set on labour force survey by NBS, which captures labour force participation by gender, gender unemployment by educational level and sector, gender schooling ratio, gender population growth rate and economic active participation by gender this study investigated how differently, gender inequality in education and employment affects women across rural and urban regions. To unravel this, we adopted Shorrock and Alkinson Generalized Lorenz approach to welfare dominance and inequality decomposition. We ranked gender inequality on education and employment by rural and urban. The study found that female unemployment by educational level is predominant in the urban sectors compared to the rural sectors. Also gender inequality is higher in labour force participation when compared with education in Nigeria.
Keywords: : Human Capital, Education, Employment, Gender Inequality, Sectoral dominance (Rural and Urban)
This paper has addressed a very important policy question of Bangladesh. This examines the causality among education, employment, FDI and GDP growth in Bangladesh by using time series data from 1980 to 2013. Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) unit root tests show that the time series data is stationary at first difference. Then, the Johansen cointegration analysis indicates that the variables have strong, positive and significant linear relationship between them at .05 level of significance. Granger causality test found the unidirectional causality between employment and literacy rate and also between literacy rate and FDI. Again this empirical Granger causality test found that employment and FDI Granger causes GDP in unidirectional way. Finally, the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) is also used to check the short and long run equilibrium relationships among the variables and the significant results have been found. This study gives the guideline to the researchers and policy makers.
Keywords: Bangladesh, Education, Employment, FDI, GDP growth
This paper has addressed a very important policy question of Bangladesh. This examines the causality among education, employment, FDI and GDP growth in Bangladesh by using time series data from 1980 to 2013. Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) unit root tests show that the time series data is stationary at first difference. Then, the Johansen cointegration analysis indicates that the variables have strong, positive and significant linear relationship between them at .05 level of significance. Granger causality test found the unidirectional causality between employment and literacy rate and also between literacy rate and FDI. Again this empirical Granger causality test found that employment and FDI Granger causes GDP in unidirectional way. Finally, the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) is also used to check the short and long run equilibrium relationships among the variables and the significant results have been found. This study gives the guideline to the researchers and policy makers.
Keywords: Bangladesh, Education, Employment, FDI, GDP growth