Argopuro specialty coffee as a niche market product had a fairly short distribution channel, so it’s customer are quite responsive to quality produced.In specialty coffee market, integrity between distribution channel component are important to do. Walida society, new producer of single origin coffee in Argopuro require to restructure itself. One important restructure are evaluation regarding quality and production capacity of Argopuro specialty coffee which has been produced in the last three years.Performance evaluation could be done from two perspective, which are supplier perspective as raw material supplier and consumer perspective as quality and porduction capacity evaluation.By this two perspective, ti is expected that firm could establish strong supply and also establishing sustainable distribution channel. Performance in this research are measured by using Important Performance Analysis (IPA) method. Variables and indicators used are composed by refering to previous research by Maunu (2003) regarding performance measurement from supplier perspective. Performance indicators from coffee roastery as B2B consumer are also used in this research.Result in this study shows that performance from supplier perspective had reach performance rating of 80%. This shows that supplier are fairly satisfied with firm performance with improvement on several indicators, such as producer quality control assistance (60%), improvement on farmers skills (63%), financing support (61%) and producer’s involvement on problem solving (60%). Meanwhile, on B2B perspective, performance rating had reach 90% which shown that firm performance are quite satisfying. However, several key factors required to be improved lies in raw material supply availabilyu (56%) and product quality consistency (75%).
Keywords: Importance, Important Performance Analysis, Perfomance, Specialty coffee