International Journal of Developing and Emerging Economies (IJDEE)

EA Journals

COLLATERAL DAMAGE: Civil Conflict and Child Mortality


Civil wars are the outcome of institutional failures. Child and infant mortality risk is impacted during civil war through

reductions in household’s income and assets and through mother’s health, nutrition and stress levels. When born, children

may suer from lack of services and an environment of diseases. Using DHS and the Prio Uppsala Battle Deaths for

Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Peru, the eect of conict on infant and child mortality is estimated. The

identication strategy is based on the classication of the child’s birthyear according to periods of peace or conict. Fixed

eects regressions nd that conict is more harmful during the rst year of life and that conict intensity matters. The

ndings suggest that governments engaged in civil war ghting should nd ways to provide health and nutrition assistance

to pregnant women and to make sure that newborns have access to health and sanitation services.


Keywords: Child Mortality, Civil War, Latin America, infant mortality

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