International Journal of Developing and Emerging Economies (IJDEE)

EA Journals


Exports-Led Industrialisation and Development through National Re-Branding and Best Practices: A Comparative Study of Botswana and Zimbabwean Economies (Published)

The purpose of this study was to look at the challenges facing Zimbabwe’s economy compared to Botswana and determine re-branding strategies Zimbabwe can adopt to portray a positive image. Case studies of countries whose economies miraculously recovered were given, they include countries like Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia. Document reviews and in-depth literature review were used to collect data. The findings of the study revealed challenges related to policy issues, corruption, relations with western countries over the land reform programme, corporate governance issues, and macroeconomic fundamentals such as government spending priorities, the country’s credit rating, judicial independence, and property rights. These were some of the factors that contributed to the meltdown of the Zimbabwean economy. The study recommended that Zimbabwe needs to re-establish relations with the west, ensure independence of the judiciary system, ensure property rights to attract foreign investment, improve corporate governance issues, and monitor its macroeconomic fundamentals.

Keywords: Economic Development, Export Led Strategies, Re-Branding, economic growth

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