International Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies (IJCCS)

EA Journals

Non- Formal Education Strategies

Non- Formal Education Strategies for Conflict Mediation and Sustainable Community Peace in Rivers State, Nigeria (Published)

This paper presents Non-Formal Education strategies for conflict mediation for sustainable peace in Rivers State. It is on record that several communities and clans in Rivers State have experienced conflict situations that led to the destruction of lives and properties. This situation is not welcome development, as no meaningful progress can take place in an atmosphere of rancor and violence. Meanwhile, Nigeria has great faith in Education as education has been described as an instrument par excellence in achieving her established institutions of society, education is accepted universally as a panacea for social ills and development. In the light of the foregoing, the paper prescribes non-formal education strategies for conflict mediation for sustainable community peace. Such strategies include; peace education conscientization anAd dialogue. The paper also prescribed seven steps for conflict mediation for sustainable peace which includes, identification of the causes of the conflict, analysis of the conflict, search for options, setting options in order of preference, team planning, mutual execution of plans and evaluation of actions. The paper posits that if the above strategies and steps are carefully applied sustainable peace would be achieved. The paper concludes that with increase in government allocation to adult and non-formal education, establishment of conflict resolution centres, to train and retrain mediators, conflicts will be reduced in our communities, states and nations.

Keywords: Conflict Mediation, Non- Formal Education Strategies, Sustainable Community Peace.

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