International Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies (IJCCS)

EA Journals

International Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies (IJCCS)

International Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies (IJCCS) is a peer reviewed journal that publishes research papers that are significant across different community and cooperative studies. The journal promotes research and innovation in the areas of rural and community development, geography and regional planning, rural cooperatives, community health; capacity building, social work, community empowerment, sustainable development, human resource development, social capital, economic development, urban studies. Cooperative sectors covers rural, agriculture, consumer, housing, worker, social, credit and other related areas.

IJCCS also publishes book reviews of potential interest to readers. IJCCS is published in both print and online versions. The online version of the journal is free access and downloads.



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Print ISSN: 2057-2611
Online ISSN: 2057-262X
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A contextual Study of the Challenges Affecting Strategic Health Insurance Communications in Nigeria

Keywords: Challenges, Health, Insurance, Strategies., communication


Challenges to Youth Engagement in Peacebuilding

Keywords: Challenges, Youth, engagement, peacebuilding

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