International Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies (IJCCS)

EA Journals

management strategies

Perception of Members of Virtual Communities Towards the Covid 19 Management Strategies of Delta State Government (Published)

Corona virus disease is a communicable disease that originated in the Chinese town of Wuhan, but caught the eyes of stakeholders in December of 2019. According to Nepal, Shastry, Chand, Nandakumer, Fant and Khanal (2020), a great number of patients were reportedly struck down with an illness of strange dimension and severe pneumonia was one of the most noticeable symptoms.

Citation: Uku  A. (2023) Perception of Members of Virtual Communities Towards the Covid 19 Management Strategies of Delta State Government, International Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies, Vol.11 No.1, pp.1-16


Keywords: COVID-19, Delta State, Government, management strategies, virtual communities

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