International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance of Selected Real Estate Firms in Abuja


This study examined how motivation affected worker performance in selected Abuja real estate companies. The research design employed in the study is a survey and data were collected through the primary source where 66 structured questionnaires were distributed among the staff of five real estate companies in Abuja which include Osakwe & Associates and Wale Adewusi Associate. Data collected were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The findings showed that employee motivation has a favorable and significant impact on performance in terms of job efficiency in Abuja real estate. Other findings included the fact that job security has a favorable yet negligible effect on the performance in terms of work efficiency in Abuja real estate. Salary and wages also have a positive and large impact on performance in terms of work efficiency in Abuja real estate, as well as rewards, which have a favorable and big impact on both. According to the report, real estate companies in Abuja should keep up their efforts to motivate staff members by guaranteeing their jobs, paying them a living wage, and rewarding them because doing so improves productivity.

Keywords: Efficiency, Employee, Job Security, Motivation, salary and wage

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