Treasury Bills Archives - International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

Treasury Bills

Effect 0f Deficit Budget Financing Sources on Inflation Rate in Nigeria (Published)

The study examined the effect of deficit budget financing sources on inflation rate in Nigeria. External debt, Ways and Means Advances, and Treasury Bills were the independent variables of the study, while inflation rate was the dependent variable. The study adopted an ex-post-facto research design, covering the period between 2011 and 2020. Secondary data were extracted from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. Ordinary Least Square multiple regression technique was used for the data analysis. In line with the specific objectives of the study which is to ascertain the effect of external debt, ways and means advances, and treasury bills on inflation rate in Nigeria, it was revealed that external debt and treasury bills have a significant effect on inflation rate in Nigeria. Ways and means advances have a positive and significant effect on inflation rate in Nigeria. This implies that among the explanatory variables, ways and means advances is the major determinant of inflation rate in Nigeria. The study recommended therefore that government policies on inflation rate should factor in external debts because of their negative effect on inflation rate. external borrowing should be prudently used in productive activities that can raise investments, reduced inflation and improve the country’s exchange rate. The Government should drastically reduce the rate they borrow from CBN. Any of such borrowing should be targeted towards developing the economy and they should always maintain the credit limit set by the CBN. The government should reduce the number of treasury bills issued to the general populace. Other sources of deficit budget funding, such as privatization of obsolete government institutions, should be considered by the government.


Keywords: External Debt, Inflation Rate, Nigeria, Treasury Bills, ways and means advances

Money Market Instruments and Price Stability in Nigeria: 1981 – 2021 (Published)

The study examined money market instruments and price stability in Nigeria. The study specific objectives include to investigate the relationship between treasury bills, treasury certificates, development loans stock, bankers’ acceptance, commercial papers and federal government of Nigeria bonds on consumer price index in Nigeria. The study adopted purposive sampling technique and the sample size consist time series data from 1981 to 2021. The study used secondary data obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the data were analysed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The findings from the error correction model indicated that  treasury bills negatively and insignificantly influence consumer price index in Nigeria; treasury certificates positively and significantly influence consumer price index in Nigeria; development stocks positively and significantly affects consumer price index in Nigeria; certificates of deposits positively and insignificantly influence consumer price index in Nigeria; commercial papers negatively and insignificantly influence consumer price index in Nigeria; bankers’ acceptance positively and significantly influence consumer price index in Nigeria and federal Government of Nigeria bonds positively and insignificantly impact on consumer price index in Nigeria. On the basis of the findings, the study concludes that money market instruments on the short and long run affects price stability in Nigeria. Hence, the study recommends amongst others that government should established effective and efficient stabilization policies and quality of public sector governance that would ensure that prices of goods and services and money market instruments are stable for sustainable economic growth of Nigeria.

Keywords: Money Market Instruments, Nigeria, Price Stability, Treasury Bills, Treasury Certificates