International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

National Development

Promotion of National Development Through National Unity and Security: A Study of Ebonyi State, Nigeria (Published)

This study is a descriptive survey research design conducted on the promotion of national development through national unity and security in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The population of the study were 850 stakeholders in Ebonyi State. 350 stakeholders were selected using the purposive sampling technique. A validated questionnaire titled Practices Utilized for Promoting National Unity and Enhancing Security in Ebonyi State (PUPNUESES) was used for data collection. Two research questions were analysed using descriptive statistical methods. The study revealed that in promoting development, 84% of the stakeholders frequently apply national unity practices while 71% use security-enhancing practices. The researchers concluded that the attainment of national development is contingent upon the inclusion of all components or strategies aimed at augmenting national cohesion and safety. The researchers recommended that the residents of the state should be driven by the yearning to promote oneness through steady campaigns and sensitization via all available media.

Keywords: Ebonyi State, National Development, National Unity., Security

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