International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

kredit konsumer

The Determinants of Consumer Loan; an Insight from Bank XYZ Office Branch ABC (Published)

Banking sector in Indonesia has a market share of around 80% of the entire financial system. The bank has an important function in the economy of a country, namely as a financial intermediary, which collects funds from the public that has a surplus of funds in the form of deposits and redistributes the funds to the people who need funds or fund deficits in the form of credit. In channeling the funds, banks should pay attention to the quality of credit because if in the future there is a problem loan or non-performing loan (NPL), it will harm the bank itself. Bank XYZ is one of Indonesia’s longstanding banks in Indonesia and is also known as a focused and consistent bank in the micro, small and medium enterprises sector with a credit growth of 12.14% in 2017. Loans disbursed or granted are expected to be runs smoothly until the credit is declared complete or paid off, but the potential for risk will always exist, one of them is the risk of default (default) which can lead to an increase in non-performing loans (NPLs) of 2.16% in 2017. The highest NPL credit in the Bank XYZ is in the consumer segment, which is 41%. The research to see the factors that influence the consumer credit NPL of Bank XYZ uses secondary data with the variable of NPL, gender (X1), age (X2), marital status (X3), education (X4), occupation (X5), tenor / time period (X6), collateral value (X7), and the ratio of installments to income (X8). Based on the results of logistic regression analysis, it is known that the variables that affect the NPL of XYZ Bank’s consumer credit are gender (X1),), education (X4), occupation (X5), tenor / time period (X6), at a significant level of 10%.

Keywords: Bank, Non-performing Loan., kredit konsumer, regresi logistik

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