International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

and Stakeholder Management

Optimising Stakeholder Interest through Positive Corporate Behavior and Stakeholder Management (Published)

Positive Corporate Behavior (CB) and Stakeholder Management (SM) are relevant concepts that call for responsibility towards those within and without corporate entities. Hence, positive corporate behavior and stakeholder management should take into account both present and future needs of businesses and society. This therefore, demands managers who will not only aim at increasing profits for only shareholders, but those who will give equal attention to the needs of other stakeholders including present and future members of society, since their actions or inactions have implications for both present and the future. These (Positive Corporate Behavior and Stakeholder Management) concepts border on values, attitudes and behavioral trends that reveal the cultural practices of an organization. They also border on probity and integrity, honesty, human rights, diligence, fairness and impartiality, respect, trust, consistency and transparency, conflict of interest, fraud, theft, corruption, value for money, inappropriate use of position, compliance with legislative obligations and government policies, openness and accountability, and above all, the ability of the leader or management to apply these standards.  This, if done well, will engender assurance and trust in public and business administration. This study is about how the inculcation of effective stakeholder management and positive corporate behavior could inure to the maximum benefit of all stakeholders. Through the use of questionnaires, we sought to identify some traits of negative corporate behavior from the perspectives of managers and business students as future business leaders. Not only that but also, we sought to find out whether employers are able to identify and satisfy the interests of different stakeholders. Implications for management are then finally drawn based on the conclusions and suggestions made for future research

Keywords: Positive Corporate Behavior, and Stakeholder Management

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