The study analyzed the cost benefits of fresh fish marketing within Abakaliki metropolis, the objectives of the study were to determine the costs and returns of fresh fish marketing in the study area, as well as identify the factors affecting the quality and quantity of fish marketed in the study area. Oral interview schedule was used to collect data from seventy (70) respondents who were randomly selected. The data were analyzed using appropriate statistical tools. Objective (1) was analyzed using gross margin model, while objective (2), was analyzed using mean score in the form of a five-point Likert scale model. The result obtained from the gross margin analysis showed that a profit (π) of (N 110,280) was made by fish sellers from selling fresh sardine (Sardinella aurita) given a TFC of N 1,500, TVC of N 3,165,720, TR of N 3,276,000, and a GM of N 110,130. The mean score analysis in the form of a five-point likert scale showed that the most accepted factors that affect the quality and quantity of fresh fish sold include; financial problem (3.8) and consumer’s choice (3.7). In conclusion, it has been observed that fish marketing in Abakaliki urban is a lucrative venture although, fish is marketed in different forms either as fresh, smoked or dried fish. Marketers have lots of challenges, which the researcher has tried to proffer solutions to as attested by the majority of the respondents. Based on the research findings, the following policy recommendations were therefore proffered. Government should subsidize the price of fish to enable fresh fish sellers purchase at cheaper rate, as well there should be adequate provision of cold rooms to reduce the losses by fish sellers.
Keywords: Abakialiki Metropolis, Cost Benefit, Fresh Fish Marketing