International Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Studies (IJAERDS)

EA Journals


Demonstration of Selected Improved Potato (Solanum tuberosum L) Varieties in Assosa Zone (Published)

The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is the third most consumed crop globally behind rice and wheat and it is a versatile crop that can be cultivated in diverse environments. However, yield of potato is reduced due to lack of improved varieties, improper plant spacing and low soil fertility.  The aim of this study is to demonstrate and create awareness for farmers about improved potato varieties and its production. The activity was conducted at Bambasi and Assosa Districts. Shonkolla, Belete and Guassa selected potato varieties were planted with the spacing of 75cm and 30cm between rows and plants respectively. Each potato varieties were planted on 10m by10m plot size. The highest yield was recorded by Shonkolla variety at Bambasi and Assosa Districts. Farmers were selected as first rank Shonkolla variety in terms of marketable tuber yield and total tuber yield. We conclude that Shonkolla potato variety is recommended for Assosa zone. In future recently released potato varieties should have to be evaluated in Assosa Zone.  

Keywords: Farmers, Varieties, Zone, assosa, potato

Demonstration of improved potato varieties at Koffele District, West Arsi Zone, Oromiya, Ethiopia (Published)

The study was carried out at Guchi and Hulabera peasant association/Kebele of Kofale District west Arsi Zone, Oromiya Ethiopia. The study was carried with the intension to transfer the potato production technology to increase production. The district is among the potential area for potato production in the west Arsi Zone. From the two kebeles, 14 farmers were selected 7 from each kebele based on their interest to participate in the demonstration activity. Two varieties of potato Belete and Gudanie varieties, those are suitable for high lands of Ethiopia were used in the study with Local variety as reference. All participant farmers were interested and allocated 100m2 for intended experiment. Seed were planted based on its recommended rate and NPS fertilizer was used 195kg/ha. All necessary data qualitative and quantitative were collected starting from the time of planting to harvesting stage. Participatory field visiting was conducted with the participation of farmers, agricultural development agent workers and researchers. Descriptive statistics like mean and tabulation for yield data analysis and also independent t-statistics for yield comparison of the experiment were used. Qualitative data collected during field observation and after yield data collection were analyzed by means of summarization. In addition to the varieties yield for comparison partial budget analysis was used for profitability study. Based on the study result, Belete has more yield advantage than the other. However, in terms of test and market prefer ability Gudanie was preferred. Although Belete has more yield advantage as compared with the other, the yield advantage between Belete and Gudanie was insignificant as compared to the yield difference between Belete and Local. Interms of partial budget analysis, Gudanie was ranked first thus based on the aggregate result Gudanie was recommended for further production and popularization in the study area.

Keywords: Demonstration, district, improved varieties, potato

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