Global Journal of Political Science and Administration (GJPSA)

EA Journals



Public procurement law regime is a veritable governance reform mechanism that seeks to institutionalize transparency, accountability, probity and zero-corruption in public procurement system. The federating states and local governments across Nigeria are under pressure to embark on governance reform. One of the key components of governance reforms is institutionalization of public procurement law regime in line with the federal government by both the state and local tiers of government. Unfortunately, most states in Nigeria have strong apathy and are unwilling to subscribe due to chronic corrupt tendencies of political class who are averse to change on one hand and mostly due to knowledge gap on their expectations of public procurement law regimes. Using Oyo state as a case-study, the paper X-ray some of the basic features and expectations of public procurement law regime. It observes that procurement law regime seek to achieve the purpose of good governance through institutionalization of standard procurement practices. It conclude by allaying fears of federating states and local government across Nigeria insisting that procurement law regime enhances proper governance as well as safeguard officials from likely repercussions of operating without standard procurement regulatory framework

Keywords: Governance Reform, Nigeria, Procurement Law, States and Local Governments


From the outset, this paper argues that at the local government level, personnel management has not received the needed professional attention at least in practice. Consequently, national development suffers from the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the manpower that is supposed to initiate and sustain it from the grassroots. The significance of personnel is then highlighted, with management and development as theoretical basis. The Local Government personnel management organisation and functions were analysed along the line, using problem – solution approach. In further search for improvements, the paper proposes rigorous reflection on pre-colonial personnel management theory and practice. It wondered at the relative effectiveness and efficiency in the accomplishment of development projects that characterised the pre-colonial peoples that made the present day Nigerian nation. The paper therefore sought to provide a sound theoretical foundation that informed the relationship between personnel management in the local government system and national development, with the hope of presenting empirical quantitative data and analysis to support the main thesis in the near future

Keywords: Local Government, National Development, Nigeria, Personnel management


Political parties play very critical roles in democratization of any nation. Central to the successes and failures of electoral politics is the cardinal and strategic functions of this all important and an integral organ of democratization which is core to its development. The dawn of the Nigerian fourth republic has witnessed renewed and sustained activities of political parties which is the most complex and critical institutions of democracy but undoubtedly has either shaped or stagnated the deepening and consolidation of democracy. With heavy reliance on secondary data supported by analytical approach, the paper x-rayed the role of political parties in the democratic consolidation of Nigeria’s Fourth Republic. The climax of the analysis is the identified challenges plaguing democratic consolidation since the commencement of the fourth republic i.e.: Lack of institutionalization and personalization of political parties; Godfatherism; Absence of internal democracy within the political parties and incessant party/political violence. The party system in Nigeria is still weak and vulnerable with no visible signs of adding value to the democratic consolidation. It is recommended that issues of organizational capacity, effective leadership, internal democracy, discipline, institutionalization and personalization, ideological platforms of mobilization and linkage to civil society and the masses should be addressed

Keywords: Democracy, Democratic Consolidation, Electoral Politics, Fourth Republic, Nigeria, Political Parties


Basically, about 80% of the total populations of Borno State are rural based. One of the major problems facing Borno State Local Governments today is the fact that the vast rural areas need urgent socio-economic development so that the bulk of the population might be kept happy in their abodes. Administrative Efficiency at the local government level will facilitate rural development which will adequately check the influx of the skilled and unskilled manpower from these rural areas to the urban centers. To accomplish this, good local governance through proper execution of rural projects that will provide the rural population with employment opportunities, education, recreation and leisure, security, health and the like are very essential. Therefore, the paper argued that the allegations from the public that local government have not been performing very well in service delivery and being described as centres of sharing money is a problem of administrative efficiency and effectiveness. The paper revealed that the nature of state-local government relations in Borno State in most cases is impacting negatively on local administrative efficiency thereby rendering service delivery ineffective. In practice local government in most states of the federation including Borno State is not recognized as third tier of government but local administration. They operate as an extension of state ministry because they lack autonomy in line with the presidential system of government. The paper therefore, recommended among others that relationship between State-Local Government Relations should be build on mutual cooperation and respect to see themselves as equal partners in progress; and also proper consultation of community members should be encouraged before formulation and execution of community projects

Keywords: Borno State, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Local government Administration, Nigeria


It is unconceivable to have a developed state without public policies. Either so name or not, no state that is serious of being named among the well-to-do countries of the world cannot be without strategic plan of development. This wisdom informed the formulation of the various policies in Nigeria. Although the Millennium Development Goals did not have Nigeria-origin, the country, being a strategic member of the United Nations from where Millennium Development Goals originated, has domesticated and incorporated the policy into the various sectors of the country’s national life on which the Goals are applicable. In this paper, data was sourced from documentary materials like books, journals, internet resources, etc,and explanatory technique was used as method of analysis. However, the findings of the paper revealed that Nigeria has made giant strides in achieving some goals of the MDGs; 100% in goal 6, partially in others, but performed below expectations in others. Significantly, the paper is a useful material to the policy makers and researchers who may wish to carry out further research on the topic. Therefore the paper recommended that Nigerian Government should be more serious in eradicating poverty by committing more resources into programmes like the National Poverty Alleviation Programme (NAPEP), National Directorate on Employment (NDE), among others. With adequate funding and effective monitoring and utilization of financial resources committed into making these programmes work, poverty will be reduced to the barest minimum and standard of living of Nigerians improved.

Keywords: Millennium Development Goals (MDGS), Nigeria, Policy Formulation, Policy Implementation, Poverty Reduction, Public Policy


Political parties play very critical roles in democratization of any nation. Central to the successes and failures of electoral politics is the cardinal and strategic functions of this all important and an integral organ of democratization which is core to its development. The dawn of the Nigerian fourth republic has witnessed renewed and sustained activities of political parties which is the most complex and critical institutions of democracy but undoubtedly has either shaped or stagnated the deepening and consolidation of democracy. With heavy reliance on secondary data supported by analytical approach, the paper x-rayed the role of political parties in the democratic consolidation of Nigeria’s Fourth Republic. The climax of the analysis is the identified challenges plaguing democratic consolidation since the commencement of the fourth republic i.e.: Lack of institutionalization and personalization of political parties; Godfatherism; Absence of internal democracy within the political parties and incessant party/political violence. The party system in Nigeria is still weak and vulnerable with no visible signs of adding value to the democratic consolidation. It is recommended that issues of organizational capacity, effective leadership, internal democracy, discipline, institutionalization and personalization, ideological platforms of mobilization and linkage to civil society and the masses should be addressed

Keywords: Democracy, Democratic Consolidation, Electoral Politics, Fourth Republic, Nigeria, Political Parties

The Impact of Rural Roads and Bridges on the Socio-economic Development of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria: An Evaluation (Published)

Rural roads and bridges form the basis for transformation and communication. They constitute the most critical infrastructure in the rural, and by extension national development drive. Contributions of rural roads and brides to rural development include: accelerated delivery of farm inputs and evacuation of product and reduction in the cost of transportation. On the other hand lack of rural access roads has killed the dreams and resilience of those who may have chosen to live in the villages with their villages cut away from the city and potentials in the villages wasting away, these set of people have chosen to join the rest for urban life. Since majority of economic activities in our society depend in one way or the other on road infrastructure, Akwa Ibom State Government from 1999 made an effort to provide roads and bridges. This work therefore assessed the impact of government effort in the provision of rural road and bridges on the socio-economic transformation of the State. The study adopted a historical as well as descriptive approach in data collection. The study therefore revealed that the government efforts has increased socio-economic activities in the state as people and goods now move freely from rural areas to the urban centres. The study further revealed that provision of rural roads and bridges has equally helped to reduce the cost of transportation in the state. Above all, it has reduced rural urban drift in the state. Based on this, the study recommended that the government should sustain the present tempo by increasing fund allocation in the annual budget for rural roads and bridges.

Keywords: Akwa Ibom State, Bridges, Nigeria, Rural roads, Socio-economic development.

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