Global Journal of Political Science and Administration (GJPSA)

EA Journals


E-payment Administration and the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Southeast Nigeria: An Evaluation of Cashless Policy (Published)

Nigerian payment systems are cash based although the use of electronic payment system such as online banking services, automated teller machine services and the mobile banking services started gradually in 2011 with the introduction of cashless policy, which became operational in 2023. This study examined the impact of the cashless policy of the government on the performance of small-scale enterprises in Southeast – Nigeria. It explored the availability of required e-payment facilities, the effectiveness of e-payment administration, and the impact of cashless policy on the performance of SMEs in the region. Descriptive survey design and researcher’s designed questionnaire were adopted to generate data from 500 respondents that were randomly chosen from five states in southeast Nigeria, while statistics of percentages, and SPSS tools were used to analysis the data. Results of the analysis reveal inadequate supply of e-payment facilities and lack of IT skills for managing e-payment transactions among majority of the respondents. In addition, it revealed the ineffectiveness of e-payment system in the management of SMEs with significant negative impact on the performances of SMEs in southeast Nigeria. Among others, the paper recommends awareness creation and sensitization about the cashless economy, and adequate provision or the modernisation of e-payment facilities to ensure the effectiveness of the policy.

Obi, Y.M.V. (2023) E-payment Administration and the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Southeast Nigeria: An Evaluation of Cashless Policy, Global Journal of Political Science and Administration, Vol.11, No.2, pp.42-57

Keywords: Administration, Performance, SMEs, Southeast Nigeria, cashless policy, e-payment facilities

The Impact of Political Interference in Public Administration in Kibaha Town Council (Published)

This paper aimed at assessing the Impacts of Political Interference in Public Administration. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used which involved the use of various data collection methods such as questionnaires, interviews and document review. Data were collected from the sample of twelve public administration officers (PAOs) and eighteen ward executive officers (WEOs) from Kibaha town council. Thematic analysis was used in analysis of qualitative data while correlation, regression and arithmetic mean were used in quantitative data analysis with the help of SPSS soft ware. The key findings included challenges facing public administrators in executing their responsibilities due to political interference. These lead to maladministration, abuse of power, improper conduct, inexcusable delay, poor service delivery and lack of commitment among public staff. This paper concluded that political interference was due to the inadequate power and responsibility separation between politics (policy) and public administration (execution). It is thus; recommended that there should be proper periodic observation of power separation between the two actors. Also it was suggested for periodic performance observation of public officers’ activities which will make easy to ascertain if the public administrator has performed in accordance with his or her expectation, and if he or she has performed, then surely this would serve as an effective leverage against political muscle.

Keywords: Administration, Political Influence, Political Interference, Public Institutions

E-Governance: Illusion or Opportunity for Nigerian University’s Administration (Published)

The use of e-Governance in administration is fast becoming an indispensable tool for the success and development of both public and private organisations. Universities across the globe were not left behind in this development. Its ability to incorporate ICT made it indispensable as it promotes transparency, accountability, simplicity, fastness, and accuracy in the administration of universities and all other organisations. This paper examines Nigerian universities position in this development, opportunities it needs to tap as a result, impending challenges that must be surmounted and the prospects of e-Governance towards the development of university institutions in Nigeria. The paper uses documentary analysis to arrive at conclusion that the introduction of electronic governance in Nigerian universities is highly recommended and necessary in the achievement of transparency, accountability, simplicity, accuracy and reduce corruption. However, the university authorities and the government of Nigeria must address its infrastructural defects such as instability in the power sector and poor manpower expertise as well as embarking on efficient and effective training of staff and students concerned. The paper concludes that there is a lot of hope on the potential of e-governance to transform Nigeria’s university administration.

Keywords: Administration, E-Governance, ICT, University

Structural and administrative reform in the management of Bangladesh Railway (Published)

Bangladesh Railway sector requires huge reforms in every knock and corners of the sector. Presently, corruption, nepotism, politicisation, poor client service, mismanagement, lack of efficient and skilled employee are the main scenario of the Bangladesh railway system. To enhance the efficiency of the services huge reform in structure and administration of the service is required. This can be done by horizontal and vertical decentralisation. In addition, outsourcing and merit based recruitment, better incentives and result based budgeting for each sector will promote the efficient service of railways. However, corrupted management, trade and labour union and political parties may create resistance and delay the reform project implementation. The proposed reform may improve the management and structure of railway and ensure efficient service for the country

Keywords: Administration, Bangladesh, Management, Railway, Reform

Auction Positions in Indonesia in Perspective Public Administration, And Theory of Human Resource Management Perspective (Published)

The phenomenon of positions in the government auction be interesting, how the actual auction of the office, for what purpose, and how to position especially in the perspective of public administration, therefore the author tries to pour it into a paper. This paper contains the auction office in the perspective of public administration. This paper consists of three parts: the first part discusses the phenomenon Auction Preliminary Position, the second part of the discussion to discuss the auction office of public administration perspective, the perspective of the theory of human resource management, strengths and weaknesses of the auction office, and the third part of the conclusion. Hopefully what is presented in this paper can be brought into a better understanding of the auctions positions in public administration.

Keywords: Administration, Auction, public

Public Administration and the Collapse of Probity And Good Governance in Nigeria: The Impact Of Political Superstructure. (Published)

Emerging from the vestiges of over one hundred years of imperial rule, the Nigerian public administration system has experienced significant transformation to secure a place of pride in the general discourse on governance. However, the stream of political developments that brought the system into sharp focus and relevance has been as challenging to the public service as they are instructive in intellectual reflections. For example, in the growing literature on the collapse of probity and good governance in Nigeria, the public service has been severely scored on account of its failure to provide the required institutional grounding for good governance. While not absorbing the political class of culpability for this failure, the general assessment of the leadership question in Nigeria has been heavily skewed against the bureaucracy. The paper seeks to deconstruct this notion and argues that the political superstructure is largely responsible for the governance failure, and that the public service under the suffocating grip of its political master has only managed to maintain its going concern within the context of political instability, policy inconsistency, and the lack of political accountability in the last fifty years of public administration. The analysis is predicated on the politics – administration dichotomy as its theoretical framework. This approach provides tremendous insight into the nature and character of interaction between the political class and the administrative class on the basis of which deductions are made and conclusion drawn. In the final analysis, two recommendations stand out among others; a call for legislative activism sufficient enough to institutionalise a culture of political and managerial accountability and a call for policy consistency sufficient enough to sustain and drive the current reforms of the public service to its logical ends

Keywords: Accountability, Administration, Governance, Politics, Public Service

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