Global Journal of Politics and Law Research (GJPLR)

EA Journals


Cyber Crime and Cyber Security- Prevention and Control with Respect to Indian Cyber Laws (Published)

Electronic security and privacy are currently ruled by a completely ineffective regulatory body in India. The authority to prosecute and levy fines under the IT Act 2000 and the IT Amendment Act 2008 on non-compliance has slept for several years and relatively few major reforms have been made in recent years in the laws on cyber security, data security and identity safety. In 2013, the government drew up a national cyber security strategy, generating significant interest both in India and abroad, particularly as India was a growing outsourcing destination. Regrettably, reforms were not easily available for purposes that had such a detrimental effect on the government’s objective of timely, robust and strict regulations in these matters.The increasing spike in cybercrime produces over-dependent governments and technology firms. Today, cyber crime is rising.Wars between nations will move from military struggle to cyberspace in the immediate future. Cyber-battles can now be valuable weapons in the hands of global force rivals; cybercrime will also become a business for $1 million. We need straightforward and easy approaches to reduce cybercrime. To tackle cybercrime. While the suspects are still unfaced, they could be your neighbour next door, or in another urban area or world. This crime can be hard to control or dissuade. This form of crime may be directed toward governmental institutions, ministries and enterprises irrespective of scale and size. As free and open resources are available online and scripting will also allow children to download and run against any unknown targets without knowing what the attacker needs to do on a daily basis. Attack techniques are now sophisticated and there are more and more methods to detect the targets if not impossible.

Citation: Santosh Sambhajirao Pawar (2022) Cyber Crime and Cyber Security- Prevention and Control with Respect to Indian Cyber Laws, Global Journal of Politics and Law Research, Vol.10, No.5, pp.63-68

Keywords: Control, Cyber Crime, Protection, Risk, act, cyber law, cyber-space, elimination

The Necessity of Setting up A Banking Commission for the Protection of Financial Consumers in Republic of Congo -Lesson from Chinese Banking Commission Regulatory (Published)

Since the subprime crisis of 2008, financial consumer protection has become a hot topic all over the world. This is how, in certain countries, governments are still looking for an appropriated mechanism to improve the protection of financial consumers. It is the case of the Republic of Congo where financial consumers are defenseless. They are victims of bad practices from financial institutions. The embezzlements of depositor funds is currently a common phenomenon due to the shortcomings encountered by the Banking Commission of Central Africa. This situation has created a confidence crisis between financial consumers and financial institutions. Nowadays, people are keeping money in households and using informal means to get financial services. Which is causing significant economic and social consequences. This is how we have oriented our research study on the legal mechanisms established by the Chinese authorities through the China’s Banking Commission Regulatory set-up in 2003. In this paper, the authors present the vulnerable state of financial consumers in Congo and demonstrate the inefficiency of the Banking Commission of Central Africa, show the progresses made by the China Banking Commission Regulatory, and recommend the setting-up of such a commission in Republic of Congo.

Keywords: Consumer, Financial Consumers, Protection, financial institutions

The Necessity of Setting up A Banking Commission for the Protection of Financial Consumers in Republic of Congo -Lesson from Chinese Banking Commission Regulatory (Published)

Since the subprime crisis of 2008, financial consumer protection has become a hot topic all over the world. This is how, in certain countries, governments are still looking for an appropriated mechanism to improve the protection of financial consumers. It is the case of the Republic of Congo where financial consumers are defenseless. They are victims of bad practices from financial institutions. The embezzlements of depositor funds is currently a common phenomenon due to the shortcomings encountered by the Banking Commission of Central Africa. This situation has created a confidence crisis between financial consumers and financial institutions. Nowadays, people are keeping money in households and using informal means to get financial services. Which is causing significant social and economic consequences. This is how we have oriented our research study on the legal mechanisms established by the Chinese authorities through the China’s Banking Commission Regulatory set-up in 2003. In this paper, the authors present the vulnerable state of financial consumers in Congo, and demonstrate the inefficiency of the Banking Commission of Central Africa, show the progresses made by the China Banking Commission Regulatory, and recommend the setting-up of such a commission in Republic of Congo

Keywords: Consumer, Financial Consumers, Protection, financial institutions

Role of Soft Law in Environmental Protection: An Overview (Published)

One of the key features of international law is the outstanding progress of law governing the environment in recent times. From a very reticent start with about no law at law, the global environmental law has developed an enormous complicated field encircling numerous treaties, declarations, general principles, and customary international law rules. It is not clandestine that this significant growth is due to a considerable extent, to the role played by the soft law instruments. Soft law is by its nature the enunciation of a norm in a non-binding written form and is considered to be the charters, resolutions, declarations or recommendations of world community that is not meant to be as binding as the international treaties. It is a core source of international law that has emerged and developed rapidly in the modern era of globalization, particularly to knob the sensitive issues, e.g., trade and commerce, protection of human rights, conservation of environment and so on. Though the idea of soft law has existed for years, scholars have attained at no consensus as to why do states regulate soft law or whether soft law is of a consistent logical category. To some extent, this perplexity replicates a profound diversity in the categories of global agreements and strategic situations that produce them. Despite it is accepted that soft law is a latent device in harmonizing the regime created by hard law and plays a key role in achieving fixed goals regarding the implementation of global environmental law. This article strives to provide a detailed definition of soft law as well as point outs its emergence and development. It also illustrates the legal status, impact, significance, and challenges of soft law. Furthermore, this research focuses on the role of soft law instruments in the conservation of global environment.

Keywords: Environment, Protection, Soft Law, Violation

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