Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM)

EA Journals


A framework for assessing the effectiveness of HR metrics and analytics: The case of an American Healthcare Institution (Published)

Although some studies have been conducted on human resource (HR) metrics and analytics, little rigorous research focused on practices and challenges of HR (staffing) metrics and analytics in the healthcare sector. This study, therefore, intends to address this research gap by focusing on practices and challenges of staffing metrics and analytics in the healthcare sector using an American Healthcare Institution (AHCI).  This study has the following four objectives: (a) review the literature on HR/staffing metrics and analytics, (b) develop a conceptual framework for assessing the effectiveness of staffing metrics and analytics efforts, (c) assess the practices and challenges of staffing metrics and analytics of AHCI, and (d) discuss the study’s implications and future research directions.

Keywords: HR, Healthcare, Metrics, analytics, recruiting, staffing

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