Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM)

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The importance of perceived organizational support, from the point of view of human resources. Case study “PAPADOPOULOU SA” (Published)

The present project dealt with the very important concept of perceived, organizational support, which involves 3 basic dimensions: perceived justice, HRM practices and the employee manager relationship.After a critical analysis of the relevant theory and the interpretation of the findings, in regard to the company “PAPADOPOULOU SA”, the following conclusions were drawn:

  • The business be moving successfully, at the POS level
  • The business has a rich history (full of difficulties, controversies, etc.), which seems to be utilized both in terms of brand image development (communication messages, values ​​that are displayed, etc.), but also internally. What is mentioned on its website is “on point”, in terms of the findings of
  • scientific management. It is one of the few Greek companies that can be considered to have understood the deep thoughts and consideration, of the modern scientific management and HRM.

In the business, some suggestions for improvement are recommended, but it should be emphasized that its external success (market shares, profitability, etc.) is not accidental, as it seems that it has managed diligently its working environment / climate and the variables that are considered internal.  The dimensions of performance are not so easily separated: the internal dimensions are considered as important as the external ones, as it has been found in a multitude of researches that successful companies are favored by the adoption of a long-term orientation. This is the subject of this paper, in essence. The perceived support that an employee perceives may not “mean much” to the average executive of a business, but it seems to be an extremely important concept at the academic level.Business that focus on similar, “soft” concepts seem to be gradually gaining ground, surviving, and gaining competitive advantage through a series of ways that primarily address the ability to create, transfer, and utilize organizational knowledge.

Citation: Ioanna Dimitrakaki (2022) The importance of perceived organizational support, from the point of view of human resources. Case study “PAPADOPOULOU SA”, Global Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.10, No.4, pp.17-31

Keywords: Human Resources, Organizational support, Papadopoulos SA, Reward, attribution, reciprocity

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