Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM)

EA Journals

HR practices

The effect of HR practices on job loyalty through psychological empowerment and job satisfaction in Pt. X (Published)

In Indonesia, the growth of the number of construction companies is apparently not in line with the growth of experts. This study aims to analyze the effect of HR Practices on Job Loyalty through Psychological Empowerment and Job Satisfaction at PT. X. This study using quantitative methods with a sample used is 80 employees with the criteria have worked more than two years, have a minimum high school education, at the staff level. Data processing in this study uses SPSS 22.0. From the results of data processing it was found that HR Practices (Training and Reward) had a significant influence on Psychological Empowerment (Job Competence, Job Autonomy, Job Impact). Job Competence and Job Impact does not have a significant effect on Job Satisfaction. Job Autonomy has a significant influence on Job Satisfaction. Job Satisfaction has a significant effect on Job Loyalty.

Keywords: HR practices, Job Satisfaction, job loyalty, psychological empowerment