Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM)

EA Journals

Effectiveness Internal & External Sources

Impact of HR recruitment process on Jordanian universities effectiveness. (Published)

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of HR recruitment process on achieving effectiveness for Jordanian Universities.

The variables of this study consisted of independent variable (HR recruitment process) and dependent variable (Jordanian universities. effectiveness).

The study employed the statistical analytical descriptive approach based on the literature review approach and field work to test the study hypothesis.

The population of this study Consisted of HR managers and heads of HR departments in Jordanians universities

A sample of40 heads and managers of HR in Jordanian universities was randomly selected.

The study used a questionnaire as a tool to collect data and to measure study sample individuals attitudes toward the impact of recruitment process on Jordanian universities effectiveness.

The findings of the study indicates that there is an impact of individuals attitudes toward HR recruitment process on Jordanian universities effectiveness in the following order, HR recruitment strategy, HR recruitment resources, HR recruitment strategy obstacles, HR recruitment ethics and HR recruitment sources evaluation.

The findings also, indicate that there is a positive correlation with statistical significant at significant level ( 0.05≥α ) among study sample individuals attitudes toward all dimensions of independent variable and dependent variable.

Although the findings indicate that there is impact of every independent variable dimension on dependent variable.

The study recommended that Jordanian universities have to pay more attention to HR recruitment ethics and diversify their external HR recruitment resources in order to reach justice and equality for the applicants and to increase effectiveness through recruitment of qualified applicants.


Keywords: Effectiveness Internal & External Sources, Ethics, Evaluation, HR Recruitment, Obstacles, Strategy

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