Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM)

EA Journals

competency-based employee interview model

Competency-Based Interview Process and Organizational Productivity: A Study of Selected Private Sector Organizations in Anambra State (Published)

The study examined the effect of competency-based employee interview process on organizational performance, using selected private sector organizations in Anambra State, Nigeria as the study area. The literature of the study was segmented into four main sections namely; conceptual review, theoretical framework, theoretical exposition and empirical review. The study adopted descriptive survey design and from a population of 1957 senior members of staff identified from the selected firms across three industrial zones of Awka, Onitsha and Nnewi in the state, 332 population sample was investigated. Statistical tools of analysis were Pearson Correlation and multiple regression analysis. All tests were conducted at 0.05 level of significance. Major findings indicate that competency of use of unilateral power as well as competency of positive regard have positive and significant effect on firms’ productivity. The study concludes that competency-based employee interview model, enables organization to appropriately select and place employees where their comparative advantage is highest to enhance performance in the organization. It was recommended among others that managers/management should endeavour to always use the competency-based employee interview process for all their employment purposes.


Keywords: competency-based employee interview model, organizational productivity and unilateral power.

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