Constraints Associated with Organic Farming Practices among Vegetable Farmers in Southwestern Nigeria (Published)
Organic farming is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystem and people. Hence, constraints associated with organic farming practices among vegetable farmers were investigated in Southwestern Nigeria. A multi stage sampling procedure was used to select 94 respondents for the study. Data were collected with interview schedule and analysed using descriptive (percentages and mean score) and inferential (PPMC) statistics. Results revealed that majority of the respondents had an average farm size of 0.61±0.92 hectares, 12.52±0.68 years of farming experience, and all (100.0%) had contact with extension agents. Major means for receiving information on organic farming were extension agents/volunteers (=1.32), fellow farmers (x̅=1.22) and radio (x̅=1.20). More than two-thirds (68.1%) had high knowledge of organic farming practices, while constraints associated with organic farming were climate change issue (x̅=1.94), poorly organised markets for organic products (x̅=1.89) and high capital investment (x̅=1.83). A significant relationship was observed between knowledge and constraints associated with organic farming (r=0.299, p=0.041). Given that knowledge constituted a vital factor associated with organic farming practices, along with the fact that all the respondents had contact with extension agents, training programmes should be regularly organised by extension agents on climate change issue and also to disseminate technologies on organic farming practices to farmers to further update and enhance farmers’ knowledge on organic agriculture.
Keywords: Organic farming, extension agents, farmers’ knowledge, technologies
Analysis of the Adoption of Organic Farming Innovations in Pagerwojo District, Tulungagung Regency (Published)
The objectives of research are; (1) to analysis the adoption of organic farming innovations in Pagerwojo District, Tulungagung Regency, and (2) to determine the level of income from the adoption of organic farming innovations. Research is conducted in Pagerwojo District Tulungagung Regency, from April to August of 2020. Method of research is survey and sampling technique is simple random sampling. Result of research indicates that the application of organic vegetable farming in Pagerwojo District, Tulungagung Regency is divided into four categories, which are: conventional category for very low application rate, knowing- organic category for low application rate, interest-in-organic category for moderate application rate, and toward-organic category for high application rate
Keywords: Adoption, Innovation, Organic farming
Implication of Diffusion Model In The Process of Adoption & Practices of Organic Farming in Nepal (Published)
The theory of diffusion of innovation is very popular and widely tested theory in the process of diffusion of information among the wider society. Information system effects on the decision making process. Right information in right time can make the right decision. The aim of this study was to examine the implication of diffusion model in the process of adoption and practices of organic farming in Nepalese context. The study was conducted among the 578 farmers of four districts by selecting purposively. Structured questionnaires survey was done to collect their experiences. As a theoretical process of diffusion model: initially farmers collected the information from neighbors, radio & TV and other sources and thought about its cost and benefit and decide to adoption. After its practice, more than 95% felt satisfaction and suggested to other people also to involve in the organic farming. Finally, more than 98% confirmed its necessity of continuation in future also. No any farmer decided to discontinue of organic farming in near future. There is significant improvement in the socio-economic status of farmers after involvement in organic farming so that farmers are eager to continue it. Some of the farmers have reported its challenges also which needs to be addressed by the government authorities and other concerned organization to increase the numbers of organic farmers.
Keywords: Diffusion Model, Implication, Nepal, Organic farming, Process & Practices