Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals


A Study of Values of Male and Female Veterinary Science Doctors of Skuast-K (Published)

The present aim focused on the Values of male and female veterinary science doctors of SKAUST-K. The study was conducted upon 60 individuals (N=30 males, N=30 females) Veterinary Science Doctors selected at random from FV.Sc. & AH, of SKUAST-K. The Veterinary Doctors were given questioners and were asked to answer on the provided questions on the questioners. The answers given were scored and statistical analysis of the data was done. The sample has been taken randomly from SKUAST-K, Shalimar Srinagar. The scoring was strictly done according to the instructions given in the manuals of the two different tests. The tool for the present investigation is given as under:- N.Y. Reddy’s (Indian adaptation) scale has been taken to assess the values of Veterinarian doctors. It consists of six (6) types of values: Theoretical values, Economic values, Aesthetic values, Social values, Political values and Religious values. 1) Male veterinary science doctors have higher political and economic value. 2) Female veterinary science doctors have higher social and religious value. 3) Male and female veterinary science doctors have same behavior towards theoretical aspects. 4) There is no significant difference between male and female veterinary doctors on aesthetic value but female have slightly higher mean than male veterinary science doctors. 5) Male veterinary science doctors have the temper towards discovery of truth and scientific temper.

Keywords: Female, Male, SKAUST-K, Values, Veterinary Doctors

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