Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals


The Role of Diplomacy in International Dispute Resolution (Published)

A technique by which states’ foreign policies are put into action, Diplomacy is also an important instrument through which states deal with each other in the mutual pursuit of their respective national interest. In other words, diplomacy is seen as the method through which states conduct their businesses with each other in the international system. Through diplomacy, states seek to coordinate policies that is designed to enhance their welfare or power. This paper discusses the origin and conceptual clarification of diplomacy, and how diplomacy is conducted in the international system. The paper also examines the functions of diplomacy and its usefulness in dispute resolution. The methods of dispute resolution through diplomacy i.e. the political and judicial methods, are also examined. The paper also examines the role of the International Court of Justice as an international adjudicator.

Citation: Joseph C. Ebegbulem  and   John A. Adams  (2022) The Role of Diplomacy in International Dispute Resolution, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.10, No.7, pp.57-63

Keywords: Adjudication, Diplomacy, Dispute resolution, International Court of Justice, Negotiation.

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