Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals

hard skills and soft skills

Model for Improving the Participation of Lecturers and Students for Strengthening Hard Skills and Soft Skills Program Independent Learning Independent Campus at University Bandar Lampung (Published)

The world of education has developed very rapidly and is marked by an increase in the quality of education and world knowledge. The United Nations Educational Institution is UNESCO. Education itself can not be separated from the learning process that aims and learning. According to UNESCO, the learning objectives carried out by students should be based on four pillars that will become something and learn how to live together. The first two basics, the learning process carried out by students, is based on the foundation of education, and all the knowledge and skills that each individual uses to deal with all kinds of problems to update and organize to have high abilities (hard skills). While the last two bases refer to the ability to actualize and organize the various abilities that exist in each individual in a systemic order towards a common goal. It means that to be someone who is wanted and side by side with other people both at school and in the community (soft skills). Educators in this case are lecturers as functional officeholders who are responsible for providing quality education, research, and community service, following their field of study expertise. In addition, it is also required to be able to guide students to meet their needs and interests in providing education. And students have very important tasks and roles. A student is someone who is studying at a university. Not only learning on campus, but a student also has a very important role and task in the progress of this nation. One of the roles and duties of a student is as an agent of change, as a value or iron stock as a moral force, and as a controller of social life.

Citation: Zainab Ompu Jainah, Muhammad Riza, Riza Muhida, Yanuar Dwi Prasetyo, Intan Nurina Seftiniara (2022) Model for Improving the Participation of Lecturers and Students for Strengthening Hard Skills and Soft Skills Program Independent Learning Independent Campus at University Bandar Lampung, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.10, No.3, pp.55-64

Keywords: Merdeka Campus., Merdeka Learning, hard skills and soft skills, lecturers and students

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