Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals

government responsiveness.

#Hashtags to the Rescue: A Case Study of Nigeria (Published)

This research article investigates the significance of hashtag activism in driving socio-political change, focusing on Nigeria. Despite Nigeria’s reputation as having one of the most accessible press systems in Africa, the country’s media has faced consistent targeting and censorship by past and present governments. Journalists have been arrested, exiled, and even murdered, highlighting the need for alternative platforms for public expression. Hashtag activism has emerged as a powerful tool for Nigerian youths to voice their concerns, hold the government accountable, and mobilise for collective action. This research examines the impact and effectiveness of hashtag activism in Nigeria, highlighting its potential to elicit much-needed change from the government. Participants critically reflect on hashtag activism’s efficacy in enhancing marginalised voices’ visibility, fostering awareness about pertinent issues, and galvanising concerted efforts towards social change. These observations underscore the need for a well-rounded strategy integrating online and offline techniques to facilitate enduring transformation. The use of hashtag activism, as elucidated by participants’ viewpoints, functions as both a mechanism and a first step towards substantial social change in Nigeria.

Keywords: Nigeria, Social media, government responsiveness., hashtag activism, social change, youth activism

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