Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals

Freewill; Determinism; Communalism; Individualism; Free-Determinism.


Whether Freewill and/or determinism has been an age long heated debate in the history of Western philosophy. The African metaphysical enquiry attempts a resolution by establishing a complementarity parlance between the two. Reality then becomes a paradox of harmony of opposites. In the midst of this harmony, a realization comes that the more a society turns modern, the more freedom is identified, subjecting deterministic tendencies to the periphery. As Africa is on the process to modernity, the system of communalism that had hitherto served Africa now gives way to individualism. In the same vein, there is need for a conscious change from unorganized but effective brotherhood to corporate and efficient governance to synergize this paradigm shift

Keywords: Freewill; Determinism; Communalism; Individualism; Free-Determinism.

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