Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals

Arab refugees- western documentaries – news framing – visual semiotic – BBC News- BBC Arabic

Deconstructing the frames of Arab refugees in Western media documentaries Casa study on BBC NEWS and BBC Arabic (Published)

This paper examines all documentaries shared and disparate narratives regarding Arab refugees migrating to the western countries. six major frames emerged from research analysis of the me­dia coverage in documentaries: a humanizing frame, conflict frame, responsibility frame, Economic Consequences frame, security frame and, Suggested solutions frame. Also, researcher tend to analysis the documentaries through its semiotic visuals which differed in their Camera language, Color mode and Editing language.The research adopts framing and semiotic approaches in examining which frames were existent in western documentaries when framing of Arab refugees, among the various news frames, both channels compared the refugee situation in other countries, such as Germany, and Britain. The comparison always favored the latter. As per semiotics, BBC news tended to manipulate the truth of the lives of the refugees through posing their own agendas and perspectives in the production of their documentaries to come out looking more like a cinematic movie rather than a true reporting of real facts and stories. Whereas the BBC Arabic Documentaries tended to use more realistic and authentic treatment for their recordings coming out feeling like real events the viewers can relate to.

Keywords: Arab refugees- western documentaries – news framing – visual semiotic – BBC News- BBC Arabic

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