European Journal of Training and Development Studies (EJTDS)

EA Journals

Decision Making

Contribution of CSSC Training Program in Enhancing Decision for Catholic Sponsored Secondary School Heads in Musoma Diocese Mara Tanzania (Published)

The study examined the contribution of Christian social service commission management training program in enhancing decision-making on financial management process by heads of Catholic sponsored secondary schools in Catholic Diocese of Musoma. The study was anchored on Human Relations Theory of management which was developed by Marry Parker Follet. The study employed a mixed-method approach in which convergent design was be used. Targeted population community members of nine projects and one leader of CSSC in Catholic Diocese of Musoma. The sample for included eighty project school, heads of school’s teachers and non-teaching staff. Data to answer the research questions of this study was collected using two data collection instruments namely; questionnaires, and interview guides.  Questionnaires was used to obtain quantitative information from teachers, interview guide was used to collect qualitative data from non-teaching staff, heads of Schools and Chief Coordinator of CSSC. Validity of instruments was assured trustworthiness and dependability by requesting three researchers’ experts from Mwenge Catholic University and the Validity of qualitative data was through peer review and triangulations. The reliability was tested by using the Cronbach’s Alpha formula using Likert scale questions. The descriptive statistics was analyzed using mean scores, frequencies and percentages and presented in Tables. Analysis of qualitative data was through thematic and transcribe the data was presented in narrations form that which was supported by direct quotations. All along with the study, the researcher highly considered research ethics including the consent of the respondents and confidentiality of the information. The research findings revealed that the heeds of schools enhance the use of decision making on financial management skills in their schools as they were trained but they need to improve the use of the skills to involves all staffs. Basing on the findings of the research study, it can be concluded that the training of CSSC to school heads in Catholic Diocese of Musoma who attended the program enhances the use of decision making on financial management skills in their schools as they were trained in but only, they need to improve the use of the skill to involve both staffs means teaching staff and non- teaching staff on decision making on financial management. The study recommends that training shall be provided to both school managers and heads of schools to enable them to achieve school goals of teachers and institutions.

Citation: Marando E.S., Lyamtane E., Muteti  C. (2022) Contribution of CSSC Training Program in Enhancing Decision for Catholic Sponsored Secondary School Heads in Musoma Diocese Mara Tanzania, European Journal of Training and Development Studies, Vol.9 No.3, pp.1-15


Keywords: Christian social service commission, Decision Making, Effectiveness, financial management

Professional Development and Empowerment of Primary School Teachers (Published)

The rapid changes in the socio-economic environment and the consequent pressures for educational reforms make it more than necessary to empower teachers who need to redefine their teaching strategies to meet students’ differentiated needs. Related studies suggest that teachers need to feel empowered to be effective and empower students. Therefore, the empowerment of teachers is at the center of the processes for quality improvement and school upgrade. The purpose of this study is to capture the views of primary education teachers on the opportunities for professional empowerment provided in their school environment. A total of 124 primary education teachers in Ilia Prefecture who participated in the quantitative sample survey completed an electronic questionnaire based on the Teacher Empowerment Scale. The presentation and analysis of the findings show that participants in all dimensions of empowerment have moderate to high degree of agreement. Specifically, the highest average dimension is that of decision-making, while the lowest average is that of professional development.

Keywords: Decision Making, Empowerment, Participation, Professional Development, Teachers

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