European Journal of Training and Development Studies (EJTDS)

EA Journals


Appraisal Practices In Pre-Tertiary Institutions: Evidence from Appraisees (Published)

Performance appraisal is regarded as an important tool that enhances improvement in staff performance and institutional efficiency and productivity. It has consequently become a routine practice for administrators and authorities of institutions. The study set out to examine teachers’ knowledge on rationales for performance appraisal, their perception of the practice, their attitude towards its implementation and their concerns about it. The descriptive study employed a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The data was analysed descriptively and the results are presented in means and standard deviations. The results showed that the teachers had little knowledge on the objectives for conducting performance appraisal. Again, they held a negative perception about it and also had an unfavourable attitude towards it. The study also unveiled concerns that the participants had about performance appraisal, which need to be addressed to enhance its implementation. Recommendations have been proffered for policy and practice.    

Keywords: Appraisal Results., Challenges, Objectives, Perception, Performance Appraisal, attitude

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