European Journal of Logistics, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (EJLPSCM)

EA Journals


Supplier Delivery Performance of Public Procurement Contracts in Ugandan Central Government Procuring and Disposing Entities (PDEs) (Published)

The purpose of this study is to establish the relationship between buyer-supplier collaboration, supplier induced corruption, contractual governance mechanisms, supplier opportunistic behavior, buyer-supplier trust and supplier delivery performance in central government Procuring and disposing entities (PDEs) contracts in Kampala. Despite buyer-supplier collaboration being expected to increase buyer-supplier trust over time, minimize supplier opportunistic behavior and the related transaction costs. This is not the case in Uganda. Instead, as the public procurement officers collaborate more with suppliers, corruption practices have increased. Supplier induced corruption has gained volume and momentum, with suppliers facilitating exchanges with bribes which have resulted in supplier favors and influences. This has adversely affected supplier delivery performance of contracts. A cross sectional and correlational survey was conducted using a sample of 121 PDEs from a population of 175 entities and data was collected from respondents using a self-administered questionnaire. Findings reveal that: buyer-supplier collaboration, supplier induced corruption, buyer-supplier collaboration, supplier opportunistic behavior, contractual governance mechanisms and buyer-supplier trust are significant predictors of supplier delivery performance. The results of this study have managerial and theoretical implications which are also discussed

Keywords: Delivery Performance, Disposing Entities (PDEs), Procuring, Public Procurement Contracts, Supplier, Ugandan Central Government


With the increasing focus in enhancing supply management chain through use of the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology, businesses are seeking to develop and organize strategic, efficient and world-wide inventory control system for its use. In order to promote such global inventory control system, which are also compatible with sustainability objectives, organizations need to develop and implement effective systems both individually and collectively. This has resulted to Modern inventory control as a result of improved technology being one of the most strategic initiative embraced by organization in partnering initiatives for encouraging collaboration and information sharing among trading partners (Angulo, 2007). The main objective of the study was to investigate the impact of technology on inventory control systems in Kenya ferry services. The study adopted a descriptive research with survey of a total of 220 and applied a stratified random sampling technique to select a sample size of 60 respondents. Questionnaires were used as the main data collection Descriptive statistics analysis method was to analyze the gathered data. The study concluded that technology has had bigger impact on inventory control in terms of efficiency, ease of accessing information and accuracy thereby affecting organizational performance. The study recommends that modern inventory control systems should be well implemented since it forms a platform for ease of evaluating risk in which the organization invest a lot of money in purchasing of inventory. Additionally the study recommends that organization should integrate all its inventory management functions with information communication technology as well.

Keywords: Efficiency, ICT, Integration, Inventory., Procurement, Supplier

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