Defatted and undefatted cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.) kernel flour was produced to analyse their effect on the proximate, mineral and functional properties. It was ascertained that the proximate content of protein, crude fibre and carbohydrate (34.0, 6.2 and 32.2%, respectively) increased significantly in the defatted compared to undefatted cashew kernel flour. A decrease was observed in the moisture content, ether extract (crude fat) and total ash (4.4, 1.6 and 1.8%, respectively) of the defatted than the undefatted flour. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) in all the analysed mineral elements of defatted to the undefatted flours except manganese with significantly higher (p<0.05) value in the undefatted compared to the defatted sample (9.0 and 2.9mg/100g), respectively. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the bulk density, foam capacity/stability between 30 min – 1h, emulsion capacity and nitrogen solubility at pH9 of the defatted and undefatted cashew kernel flour. A significant difference was observed between these two samples in the water/fat absorption capacity, emulsion stability from 30 min – 1h and nitrogen solubility at pH8. The results obtained in this study indicates that defatted cashew kernel flour is a good source of protein and can be substituted to wheat flour in snack production and formulation of children’s meals to reduce the importation of wheat flour into Nigeria, can be a useful source of low-fat fabricated foods as well as animal feeds as the ash content meets up the recommended allowance for animal feeding.
Keywords: Defatted/undefatted cashew kernel flour, quality characteristics