European Journal of Food Science and Technology (EJFST)

EA Journals

European Journal of Food Science and Technology (EJFST)

European Journal of Food Science and Technology (EJFST) is an international peer-reviewed and referred journal published by European Centre for Research Training and Development, United Kingdom. The journal publishes original contributions at the forefront of new knowledge and techniques in the food sciences and particularly to serve the industrial and research communities by providing high quality refereed original papers. The journal accepts outstanding contributions in technical and research papers. It also publishes book reviews of potential interest to readers. Papers submitted to this journal must be original, and are not considered in any other journal. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version of the journal is free access and downloads.



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Print ISSN: 2056-5798
Online ISSN: 2056-5801
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Innovative Extension Services for Technology Transfer: The Case of Aquaculture in Northern Malawi

Keywords: Aquaculture, Extension methods, Northern Malawi., coaching loops, lighthouse approach


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