Phenomenon of Tribo-Electricity in Drying Technology (Published)
The aim of the research in our scientific work is to reduce the negative points that may be present during the drying process. These negative points could include ignite product and even explosion. Therefore, in this article there’re published studies on the phenomenon of Tribo-electricity particularly the effect in the form of physical process named as “Tribo-charge” in technical literature has been investigated in this article. The process of Tribo-charge occurs in the process of drying manufacturing line operation comprising different elements in the form of cyclones, pneumatic conveyers, instantizers, storage hoppers, etc. in this system. Experimental results for analysis of some elements of this Phenomenon on the laboratory equipment are presented. The food product – Skim milk powder has been taken as the basis of our scientific studies. The results of Skim milk powder particles Tribo-charge depending on experimental tasks and conditions have been shown.
Keywords: Adhesion, Drying Technology, Faraday, Skim milk powder, Tribo-charges