Evaluation of Phytosterol in Sesame Seed Oil and Study Its Effects on Fermented Dairy Product (Published)
Phytosterols are group of steroid alcohols and esters which possess the health benefits to lower total and LDL blood cholesterol by preventing cholesterol absorption from the intestine. Many food companies in developed countries are incorporating phytosterols in wide variety of dairy products. Dairy products being widely consumed in India offer a great scope of utilizing the cholesterol lowering benefits of phytosterols by its enrichment in most commonly consumed dairy products. In general, Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is one of the rich sources of phytosterols. The objective of the study was to determine the level of phytosterols present in sesame and to use it as functional food ingredient to reduce LDL cholesterol through fermented dairy product such as shrikhand. This method comprised of extraction, alkaline saponification, and prior to HPLC analysis. The phytosterol were observed at 205nm. Different levels such as 4%, 8%, 12% and 16% of sesame seed oil were incorporated into shrikhand and various physico-chemical analyses such as carbohydrate, fat, protein, ash, acidity and pH. The colour values L*, a*, b*, phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity were studied. Statistical analysis also revealed that the increase of sesame seed oil in shrikhand differ significantly (p<0.05) in all the physico-chemical parameters. Based on the results, it was concluded that 8% of sesame seed oil incorporated shrikhand sample shown high nutritional value, antioxidant property and presence of phytosterol compared with control sample. Hence it is suitable for human consumption and serves as food supplements for hypocholesterolemic effects.
Keywords: Fermented Dairy Product; Low Cholesterol; Phytosterol; Sesame Seed Oil