European Journal of Food Science and Technology (EJFST)

EA Journals

Evaluation of Nutritional Composition and Acceptability of Processed Precooked Lima Bean Using Chemometric and Descriptive Statistics Approach


Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus), an underutilized legume in Nigeria, is a potential food and nutrition security crop. Two varieties (white and black) of lima bean were each subjected to precooking, dehydration and cooking, given six treatments and two controls to assess effect of precooking on the nutrients and acceptability of lima bean. Proximate, minerals, vitamins and anti-nutrients components of the lima bean samples were compared using Principal Component Analysis. Organoleptic assessment of the eventual lima bean samples was computed using the Kruskal-Walis statistics, variable was determined using χ (3:0.05) = Y (P < 0.05). Results shows that Precooked-dehydrated-white-lima (PCDWL) and Precooked-dehydrated-brown-lima (PCDBL) clustered at a distinct 1st quadrat while Precooked-dehydrated-cooked-white-lima (PCDCWL) stood alone in the 4th quadrat. All other samples clustered at the 3rd quadrat. Precooked-dehydrated-brown-lima (PCDBL) recorded the least anti-nutrients, highest protein, mineral and vitamin content. Precooking technology was found to enhance the nutritional value and acceptability of lima bean.

Keywords: Lima bean, Nutrients, Principal Component Analysis, precooking

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