European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)

EA Journals

cultural hegemony

Exploration of Marginalized Characters in “The Search”: Subaltern Voices (Published)

Shaheen Akhter’s The Search is a novel that gives insight to how the 1971 liberation war was perceived by various groups of people, from the people of power to the powerless and the victims of that power. It also explores the theme of marginalization, subalternity and cultural hegemony particularly through its portrayal of women, who were not only victims of war and oppression of the enemy but also by their own people and kins. Through the lens of subaltern theory and by using a qualitative approach, this paper aims to expose how the characters of the novel became subalterns, were marginalized by the enemy power and the very society that they themselves belonged to. While focusing on the possible causes that are responsible for their silence, this paper tries to be the voice of the unrecognized whose voices often go unheard, misheard and ultimately muted. Even if they attempt to express themselves, their words are never truly acknowledged.


Keywords: Subaltern, War Victims, cultural hegemony, marginalization, oppression.

Cultural Hegemony and the Teaching of Global English Language: Indian Perspective (Published)

Globalization has manifold implications and importance. From Political to financial from trade and commerce to culture and social behaviour. The post globalized world has seen the cultural invasion of America and Europe in various ways. One of the prominent ways of this cultural invasion is the supreme importance of the English language. They have made the English language their medium of cultural dissemination resulting into the supremacy of the occidental culture in oriental countries. Through language culture is spread and through culture their literature, music, food, lifestyle everything is spread and makes room for billion-dollar business. This paper aims at finding the roots of Cultural Hegemony of the west through the teaching of American English in the guise of Global English.

Citatuon: Lilack Biswas (2022) Cultural Hegemony and the Teaching of Global English Language: Indian Perspective, European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, Vol.10, No.5, pp.1-9

Keywords: Culture, English language teaching, Globalization, cultural hegemony, global English, transnational English

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