European Journal of Educational and Development Psychology (EJEDP)

EA Journals


Relationship of Achievement Goals, Engagement, and Self-Handicapping: Test The Mediating Model (Published)

This study examined the model of the relationship between achievement goals, engagement, and Self-handicapping (SH). The study was conducted with 850 students who filled out a self-report questionnaire as respondents. After the measuring instrument was declared valid and reliable, the two relationship models were tested using a structural equation modeling (SEM) with a two-step approach. The test results suggested that the objectives of mastery of the material and improvement of skills must be achieved for increasing student engagement and preventing SH in learning activities. Students who are afraid of appearing incapable did behavioral SH and reduced their attachment to learning activities. The goal of showing off achievements and excelling from their peers did not make students use SH strategies but only emotionally engaged. Claimed Self-handicapping (CSH) increased engagement and vice versa, while behavioral Self-handicapping (BSH) decreased engagement and vice versa.

Keywords: achievement goals, engagement, self-handicapping

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