European Journal of Educational and Development Psychology (EJEDP)

EA Journals

personal scope.

Qualitative Study of the Socio-Emotional Skills Performance in Hearing Loss Children and Normal Hearing Children (Published)

Social-emotional development is the ability of a child to understand the feelings of others, control their own and get along with those around him, the performance of this capacity in adult life depends on the development that has been exposed in childhood, the processes included are emotional and behavioral and their initial stimulation from the neonatal stage, where hearing and subsequent language take a leading role, so it is thought that subjects with profound hearing loss are disadvantaged in the goal of achieving a life as an emotionally stable adult. The objective of this research was to analyze the social-emotional performance of children with hearing loss and without hearing loss through the observation of their parents and their teachers. Based on the battery of socialization (Silva and Martorell, 1989) we elaborated an interview with the items aimed at investigating the socio-emotional behaviors that were applied to parents and teachers. With the data obtained we created 3 categories with two subcategories each one; These were: 1) Personal scope, 2) Social environment and 3) Conduct. In conclusion, there are evident differences in both emotional and behavioral performance in both groups, with the group of children with hearing loss being at a disadvantage as it presents difficulties in expressing emotions and controlling behaviors.

Keywords: Social-emotional deveplopment, family level, hearing loss, normal hearing, personal scope., social-emotional performance

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