European Journal of Educational and Development Psychology (EJEDP)

EA Journals


Influence of Anxiety and Motivation in Language Learning (Published)

Motivation and anxiety are two indicating factors in learning a new language. These two factors provide impetus for initiating the process of learning a language, and further along they are a driving force to keep going and continue the sometime of hard and tedious language learning process. This study reports how motivation and anxiety can influence the process of learning and language learners’ performance in the classroom and keeps an eye on the role of teacher on the level of students` motivation and anxiety

Citation: MalekAhmad Kord, Zahra Hosseinpour , Mohamad Hosseinpour  (2022) Influence of Anxiety and Motivation in Language Learning, European Journal of Educational and Development Psychology,Vol.10, No.1, pp.30-37

Keywords: Anxiety, Influence, Language, Learning, Motivation

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