European Journal of Educational and Development Psychology (EJEDP)

EA Journals


Gender and Academic Programme Influence on Manifested Learning Dysfunctions in Cross River University of Technology, Calabar Nigeria (Published)

The present study sought to investigate the prevalence of learning disorders among undergraduate students in Faculty of Education in Cross River University of Technology, Calabar.  Learning disorders otherwise learning disabilities are an umbrella term for a wide variety of learning problems.  Learning problems may not be correctly understood as low intellectual level but are likely disorders or difficulties associated with certain aspects of learning.  The study therefore investigated the prevalence of these disorders or difficulties among students, the most common types of these disorders associated with undergraduate students and the sex difference in manifestation of the disorders.  The common types of disorders considered in this present study were dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHA).  The study population comprised all the undergraduate students in Faculty of Education and a sample of 240 respondents.  Data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire titled ‘Learning disorder questionnaire (LDQ).   The major findings were that the highest manifested learning difficulty among undergraduate students is dyscalculia followed by dysgraphia.  There was a positive correlation between dyslexia (poor reading and pronunciation ability) and dysgraphia (problem in spelling, organization and coherence in writing).  It was also found that only the level of manifestation of dyslexia is not significantly higher than the expected value.  Significant gender difference exists only for dysgraphia.  All other gender differences were not significant.   Differences between academic departments were significant except for ADHD.  It was recommended that students should be made to copy notes in class and be more engaged in written assignments.  Build on their strengths and use assistive technology, take medication to improve concentration and depression. 

Keywords: Attention deficit hyperactive disorder, Dyslexia, dyscalculia and gender., dysgraphia

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